First Dare

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Me: Hey y'all! What's up?

Laf: who are you?

John: what're you doing here?

Me: um I'm gonna be a character in this too! But not like you guys, I mean I won't be doing dates at least. I mean not unless someone comments it but um please don't aha.

Laf: To the point please :)

Me: yeah ok. At the beginning of each chapter I'm just gonna appear real quick to give you your dares.

Angelica: This hasn't been quick for me.

Me: Point taken. This chapters dare if for Peggy and Maria to kiss on the mouth for 30 seconds.

Peggy: oh. Um... oh.

Alex: AhaHA, sucks to be you Peggy ima go home now that I don't have a dare.

Me: Yeah I'm not finished yet dude.

Alex: um ok hurry up please

Herc: Yeah your really dragging this out.

Me: Oof sorry. Um yeah same 30 second kiss on the lips for Alex and John.

John: oh... um uh... ahaha... I uh... I'm gonna go uh... die in a hole. *runs away*

Me: Not so fast *grabs him and yanks him back* Every dare must be completed, no exceptions. Bye!

Maria: So... um, hey Peggy

Peggy: *blushes* Hi Maria.

Angelica: You better be good to my sister Maria I swear you need to treat her right girl.

Maria: It's a dare Angelica, I'm not actually going after Peggy.

Eliza: Suuuuuuure ;)

Maria: Whatever. You ready Peggy?

Peggy: I um, yeah I guess I mean I just want to make sure that we know what we are getting ourselves into because a kiss is just a kiss but it can always-

Maria: *kisses her* *30 seconds go by* *pulls away*

Peggy: Wow...

Maria: You where taking to long, I just wanted to kiss you.

John: That was quite forward.

Maria: I meant for the dare.

Eliza: Suuure

Maria: *blushes*

Alex: Well that's all for today folks thanks for the dare that was fun-

Herc: nah nah nah man you gotta do your dare.

Laf: Yeah just kiss your man and be done

Alex: He's not "my man"

Eliza: suuuure

John: *hides under couch*

Herc: *Picks couch up off the floor and moves it so John is revealed*

John: ha....

Alex: You know what John, lets just do this.

John: Yeah ok but still-

Alex: *grabs him and kiss him for 30 seconds*

John: oh ok wow

Alex: *smirks* Wow is correct

Ok that's all for today keep leaving dares without them I can't write. Thanks for reading byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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