First meeting

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Y/n's pov

I was just jumping tree to tree trying to keep my hood on when I heard some people talking. "How can we find it when we don't have a trace of where it could be?!?" I stop and look down and see a group of teens in different color clothes, they all where standing in a circle, "Jay's right, if we don't have any traces of it then this will take to long to find it" the red one said, as they takes I jump of the tree and into a bush....lowder then I wanted, I immediately freeze.

They all turn to me- well the bush, "who's there?!" The one in green said, I pull my hood back up -witch fell when I jumped- and stood and got out the bush "who are you?" The green one added "my name is F/n" (fake name) "who are you?" I say making the 'you' a little higher then the other words. They all look at one other then back at me.

"My name is Lloyd and this Kai, Cole, Jay, and Zane" Lloyd said 'there giving me there real names? Idiots' "why are you here?" Cole asked, "I could ask you the same thing" I say sassy, they stay quiet and I sigh, "this is my home, now why are you here?" Before they could answer some one yelled "HEY!!! F/N COME HERE!!!!" I sigh, it was bf/n, we knew to call one other by are made up names, just to be safe. "Alright, that's my cue to go" I the run off, and of course they follow, I mean I was being a litte sketchy.

"What is it Bf/NN?" (best friend's nick name) S/he was standing and looking at the ground with a big smile on her/his face. "F/n! Its the place!!" S/he yelled, I walk over "yeah, but finding the place is not really useful if you don't have the cups to drink the water with" I gave her/him a bored look, S/he looked at me with a 'really' look, "what? Its true" I crossed my arms.

Lloyd's pov

"F/n's friend found the place, well that was an easy find" Zane stated the obvious, "what are we waiting for? Can't we just go in now?" Jay asked "I mean, if you want to go face to face with them then sure" I look at Jay with a sarcastic look. "Alright! Lets do it!" Jay said as he when to them, I face palm at the others do the same, I then go out.

Y/n's pov

"Alright! Lets do it!" I hear Jay say as her came out of no where and so do the others "well...that's something" Bf/n said, we then all fight. Me and Bf/n wanted to get that wish so we fight hard. I then hear Bf/n gasp and I look to see that she was thrown into a tree, and me being distracted I get thrown into a tree, my hood falling off but I was to weak to notices.

I guess they though me and Bf/n where knocked out, well Bf/n was but I wasn't so I saw Jay pull out the cups and place them into the ground and it opened. I got up, my vision blurry "Hey! I'm not giving up yet!" I say, a bit weakly, they look at me and gave me a confused and shocked look, I feel the wind on my ears "sh*t" I whisper "I got this, you guys get that wish!" Lloyd said and the other boys go down.

"Oh no you don't!" I run to the open ground but then Lloyd pulls me back "I don't have time to fight you!" I yell and jump kick him, and he fell over giving me time to get down, but I was to late. They got the wish.

I was stuck at this, as a werewolf, for ever (don't ask about logic) tears prick my eyes, my weakness left, anger filled me "god dam it!!" I yell at I grab a big rock and throw it at them, it hits Jay and Kai, they both get knocked over and they all look at me, on of my ears turn the the back hearing Lloyd, once he got close enough I elbow him in the stomach

~Time skip because I can't explain fights~

I was now up in a tree crying, the Ninja won the fight, yes I am stronger then a human but there where 5 of then and one of me, Bf/n was out looking for food knowing I wouldn't for a while, S/he knew why I wanted to get the wish and tried to help me, all they wanted out of me was for me to be happy, S/he is they best.

But now...I'm stuck like this forever...I will get back at
Words: 835

Hey! I hope you liked it! I know its not like the other one but I don't care, bye! Have a great Day/Night!


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