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Y/n's pov

I slam the door open to the room that the boys in. They looked at me with confusion, "don't gave me that!" I spat "I found the book! The one that was marked the day we met!" I grawled, they looked at each other then realized, Lloyd stepped up first "look, its like like it seems! We are here to help Ninjago and werewolf have been every were-" I hear foot steps.

"So your just gonna start killing us!?!?" I yell "and I thought I could trust you Lloyd" I say as my ears go down and my claws come out. "F/n! Please don't do anything you'll regret!" SBf/n said.

I look at her not moving my head "oh, i' not gonna regret anything!" I growl "everytime you fight us, you lose, what's different this time?" Cole said. "I'm trying this time" I say as I jump at them.

They all move out the way as I attack the closest one, Lloyd. Lloyd blocks my attact as the others get to Bf/n and sBf/n and they try to explain what's happening...I think..."I'm not gonna hurt you! This is just a Misunderstanding!" Lloyd said to me, but my ears were down so I wasn't listening.

He saw that and tried again, nothing from me, I was about to attack him with my claws Bf/n pushed me down, I hit my hand on the floor, and from then on everything was a blur, I try not pass out but, its hard not to. Next thing I knew I was laying on a bed, everything is still blurry, I look at the end of the bed and saw green, and blond.

Why is he here? Here to tell me he has to kill me...That's why, but having this pounding head ache I felt weak. I move my head just a bit to fully look at Lloyd, he saw me move and came up to me. I move my arms to rub my eyes, "how are you feeling?" Why is he so nice!? I say up not looking at him. "F/n?" He said.

"I'm. Fine." My ears down and still not looking at him, "Y/n, let me explain" he said, I still didn't look or say anything to him, he sighed.

(Let me just say this, I'm not good at this explaining stuff and I don't plan ahead when I wright so if the reason is stupid then...sorry)

"Werewolfs have been everywhere and they seem to be trying to get revenge, so we were reading all the books on Werewolfs to see if we can find out who did this to them, and as we were reading that book we happen to meet you.." I glace at him then back at the bed.

"You know that book was made years ago...when Werewolfs didn't exist..." I say as I look at him, he has this shocked look on his face ". . . . really?" He asked, I couldn't help but crack a smile as I nodded, he got up from the bed and picked up the book then looked at its date.

"Oh. . ." I giggled and he glanced at me with a smile. He put the book down and walked over to me and sat on the side of the bed, he put a hand on my cheek.

One of my ears went up, I backed away "someone's coming" Me and Lloyd looked at the door as it opened, it was Bf/n and SBf/n, "your wake!" They both say running up to me hugging me. (Pushing Lloyd out the way) I giggle "guys, you should know by now, I was never asleep" they pull away from the hug. "Yeah..I forgot" Bf/n said, and they laugh with me joining in.


I was laying in a bed just talking to Bf/n and SBf/n. "Hey, F/n, I just realized that we called you Y/n in front of Lloyd..." SBf/n said looking down and playing with the bracelet, "nah, its fine, i've already told him" they both look at me with a smug look and I sat up.

"No! Not like that!" I say and they giggled "we didn't say anything!" Bf/n laughed and I glared, there was a knock at the door "foods ready" it was Kai, "FOOD!!" SBf/n and Bf/n yelled running out the door, I don't blame them we've not had a good meal in about a year. I laugh at them and walk out with my ears down and so is my tail.

After the food I went back to my room, I was still embarrassed about attacking them so many times. I was sitting on the edge of the bed with my tail around me with my ears still down, I was just staring at the floor when I heard a knock at the door. "F/n? Can I come in?" It was Lloyd.

"Yes.." I say loud enough for him to hear me, the door opened then shut. He sits beside me, "Is something wrong?" He looked at me. "I'm sorry..." Was all I said, that took him by sprise (dk how to spell)

"Sorry for what?" I feel tears prick my eyes but bat them away with my lids "I' always trying to fight you, and you are only trying to help!" I couldn't help but let the tears slip but I still tried to fight them. Then out of nowhere....

He hugged me.

I was shocked, "its ok, your not the first" he said trying calm me down" I hug back. "Thank you."

Hey! So sorry for the long wait!! 😥 I'm getting back into Ninjago so,I should be updating more! And thank you for reading this so far! Hope you enjoyed! Bye bye!


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