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    There is no denying that the ultimate fear of humanity is the fear of loss. Whether it is the loss of a potential partner due to rejection, or the loss of a loved one. Imagine experiencing that every day. That thought is what brings me to our story. Our scene opens upon a typical 50-60’s suburban house, with the faded yellows and bright blues giving the house most of that 50’s feel.

    Ezra was sitting in his old rocking chair, which had small notches and scratches that could easily tell hundreds of stories. His hair was turning white, but his face still betrayed the youth he used to possess. His ring shone in the sunlight like a star in the night. After some time has passed,, his attention is caught by the sound of a thump deeper inside the house.

    Ezra slowly gets onto his feet and walks inside. The first thing he notices is a large stone on the floor of the dining room. He walks through the living room and into the dining room. As he starts to inspect the rock, a shining object from inside the kitchen catches his eye. Ezra slowly looks up to see a ring, a ring… with… paint on it? He  walks into the kitchen and drops the stone in utter shock. What he saw was a woman, seemingly 70 years old or so, with blood coming out of her mouth. She seems to have died from a pulmonary hemorrhage, which means she had to have been alone for a rather long time. Ezra knew he had to get to the phone, so he picked up the stone, set it down so that it would fall rather soon, and speed-walked his way into the living room where he had seen his phone earlier. He knew that there was nothing he could do if he didn’t call quickly. He picked up the phone dialed a 9, and then a 1. Ezra started to feel a bit… cloudy. He didn’t know what he was doing, and he certainly didn’t know why. He really hated getting old, all he really remembered was the day he found out about his… issue.

    Ezra, overwhelmed, sits down in his rocking chair, and starts to go into a deep thought.

    There was a thump from the dining room, he’d better go check that…

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