1. The day of the revelation

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( Ventabren, France, December 2018)

- Did you expect it? Asked Dr. Hervé John Frazier.

- I knew it, we knew it all inside us. Answered Maxime

It was a local, national, global reference.

1 year rather.

We were all sitting around the coffee table with the familly, to celebrate Christmas. We were all present, Maxime had come with companion Maryse and two friends of his, as for me i came with my wife and my grandmother. The meal was almost near. This evening on the menu was planned provencal prawns accompanied by paella style rice. As a starter you could enjoythe foie gras toast of my wife and as a dessert the pastry log of the corner store.

- Shut up, Shut up. I do not hear anything he says. Maxime asked firmly.

Reporter of the 20 hours newspaper:

-For a few hours the network are panicking, a Russian mathematician " Nikolai Zak " supported by a Russian gerontologist, doubts the authenticity of the record of longevity of Jeanne Calment. For several months, he has analyzed biographies, photos and interviews of Jeanne Calment. He came to the conclusion that Jeanne Calment died in 1934 and that her daughter would have taken her place. Indeed, inheritance rights being too expensive as the time for Yvonne Calment, she would have take the place of his mother to collect the return of a life.

Presenter of the 20 hours newspaper:

- Here are the other titles: Donald trump accuces the Republicans of causing the death of two refugee children.

- Turn off the tv please Hervé. Asked Maxime.

Hervé complied and glared at Maxime. They had hardly comme to table that Maxime got up to go smoke.

- You come. Tell Maxime to Hervé.

Hervé got up and the both went to the balcony.

- You smoke ? Asked Hervé.

- Yeah, but we'll talk again. What do you think of this story ?

- I think it's a theory to sleep up. You're not going to believe all this nonsense? You know the media well.

- Yes i know, but i have a little doubt, i do not know why. I feel the lie of state. Said Maxime anxiously. 

-Do you want to back to investigate ? Sais Hervé with a smile on the corner of his lip.

- But we just got back from our Balzac treasure hunt, we're not going to leave.

- We must elucidate the mystery of the case Jeanne Calment. Says Hervé.

- Yes we must. We must prove to the world that Jeanne calment is indeed Jeanne Calment and not her daughter. Or we must prove to the world that Jeanne Calment has been replaced by her daughter Yvonne Calment.

- Yes, we take care of that tomorrow ? And if we come back, it starts to get cold.

The two friends took their places around the table carefully decorated by Maryse who had made the trop from Azay-le-Rideau to be with family. That evening, Jeanne Calment was still the oldest of humanity. The one nicknamed ' The forgotten God' , she betrayed the trust that the French have granted him?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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