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"You can't treat people like shit and then expect them to love you"

«Listen here you annoying grasshole. I don't even know you and I dont know what is the thing that makes you think you can act all mighty and high on me. I should be home right now enjoying the last days of summer but no , of course , here I am , in front of a guy who not only threw mud at me with his friends but also soaked me to death with icy water that reached my bones. So I would suggest you to take your wallet out of my hand before I shove it up your filthy buttcrack so I can leave right now.»

« Well now that you're talking about that , I think that you still have a little bit of mud on your nose even after we threw buckets of water on you. »

I thought all of this couldn't get worse. And with that all of his stupid friends burst out laughing like wild animals.

If I ever find a wallet on the floor , please remind me to never ever pick it up.

Wanna know why ? You'll find out soon enough.


Copyright © All Rights Reserved - mendbrokenhearts

Please do not steal my ideas and my story plot thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

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