Miss Right

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Yes you're my only girl, you're the best

Taehyung PoV

5:30 am

Most of us are asleep.

It was a long day.

Yoongi hyung fell asleep as soon as he was in the car.

Jungkookie was tired too as were Namjoon hyung, Hoseok and Jin hyung.

Jiminie is awake, he's playing something on his phone.

Why am I not asleep you ask?

Well that question is still bothering me.

'Ideal type'

"Taehyungie?" Jimin asks.

"Why aren't you asleep? Is something bothering you?? You can talk to me, I'll listen to you bro"

That is Park Jimin for you.

He will always sense your troubles.

"Jiminie, what is an 'ideal type'?" I ask him.

"That question still bothering you?" He asks back.

I simply nod.

"My dear Taehyungie, ideal type is someone who has specific characteristics or style in a person which will catch your eye. It can be features like hair, teeth, smile etc. or it could be traits like kindness, helpfulness etc. Thing you would like in a girl or a guy that will make you want to date that person or even marry. Guy, girl, alien, unicorn whatever it may be, I'll support you bro." Jimin says and dozes off.



"She'll be your Miss Right." Namjoon says in his sleep.


I relax myself as sleep comes over me.

My Miss Right?

My ideal type?

Where are you?

I want to know about your day, I want to become your sighs
Yes you're my only girl, you're the best
You're someone who only exists in the movies


Ideal Type (A Kim Taehyung ff)Where stories live. Discover now