Drabble Five~

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A take on practicing the 'show don't tell' technique. Hope you enjoyed it!


Jeremy panted hard and loud; his heart was beating so fast. Too fast. A morbid thought entered his mind, "I'm probably going to die of a heart attack now." It was all very typical of Jeremy's mind to have such thoughts when he was on the verge of passing out. Despite the disgusting feeling of sweat on his body, Jeremy smiled a little. 

Hearing frenzied shouts from behind him, Jeremy's heart pounded faster - if that was even humanly possible. Trembling from the exertion, Jeremy readied his muddy sneakers for another round of 'Let's Run 10K to Escape Zombies!'. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he ran - he was oh-so-tired. His thighs burned like molten lava, and his eyes watered - he was running through thick smog. 

The growling seemed to creep closer, even as he ran and ran. Jeremy sobbed louder, praying to god that he wouldn't die at the unripe, young age of 16.

Tripping over something - was it tripwire? - Jeremy fell flat on his face. He had a red welt on his face, and a cut on his nose. Pain rang like a blaring fire alarm, and just as Jeremy was about to get up, a voice murmured, "Don't." He stayed still.


AND CLIFFHANGER. xD Hope you enjoyed this drabble!

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