Journey North Begins

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I woke up sometime early morning. I watched as Bowen and Gwen made breakfast. More pig and eggs. It was wonderful. Svenon, Jovsin and Rolande were out collecting as much food as they could for the journey, I found Rathelia teaching Striker to use magic and teaching Prince George something else. I had never seen a book like the one he was reading before. I had to know more about this mysterious book.

I sat down beside Prince George. "What is that?"

"I learned to read and write as a child from Lolana, and when I saw this book in the last town. I found it quite interesting. It's about medical healing. It shows pictures of people inside and out. Organs too. It explains what's poisonous and what heals as well."

I looked at it. "Oh, I know what this book is. It's what doctors read in order to become doctors in Wyverna. A few of the older doctors in Wyverna helped create it by dissecting deaceased humans. Some who died of natural causes, murder and different types of sicknesses. They studied sicknesses and even discovered some and ways to end the sickness. Quite amazing what has been described in there. How much they have learned from observing and experimenting."

He smiled slightly. "If I weren't a royal, I would become a doctor. Help people for once."

"Why can't you? If Bowen can come all this way just to do what he thinks is right, why couldn't you become a doctor?"

"Even if he becomes king, rather then me, we would still need a general."

"Have someone you trust do it. Someone who has trained to be a general. You could also have the king be general. I think Bowen would really enjoy being able to get out of the kingdom."

Prince George laughed. "You're pretty smart for a princess."

"I'm also a stable girl, and professional advise giver." We both laughed at that. "So, tell me what's your favourite thing in that book so far."

"I can understand most of it, but there's a few large words that I don't quite understand. The pictures help a lot with that. If I could be a doctor, I would use money from my family to open up a practice between the upper and lower rows of subjects. I would help those who need it. They can be able to work then and make money. They can pay me back after. I think I would call that a there again transaction, or T.A.B. for short."

"Tab, you're quite smart yourself. You've got a brain inside you, as this book says. A doctor would be a wonderful thing for you to explore as a being. I support you in any career you choose. It's your life and it's your choice what you would like to do with it. You can have the legacy of a general prince behind your brother helping him though it all or a legacy behind being the first ever doctor prince."

He looked confused. "That doesn't sound right to me."

"Does it matter what sounds right or wrong? I'm a stable girl princess. I worked in horse poop for nearly half my life because of your parents. You shouldn't have to do what they say once they are subjected to the law of the known lands. My brother will make sure of that."

"Prince Svenon knows that my parents are horrible people. What they did to King Arion was horrible. Your mother, Queen Servana, she would tell Svenon, Jovsin and I stories when she visited. Stories of the first king of Servania. Hearing what my brother said about you and seeing all this for myself, I am starting to think her stories weren't just stories. Seeing this book even makes me believe that she wasn't just any old maiden in a castle."

"What do you mean? What do you think my mother was?"

"Ever heard of an immortal being who can only be killed in battle?"

I blinked my eyes fast, trying to wrap my head around what he was saying. "You think my mother was one of them? One of those half-god beings created by the god of Light?"

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