Chapter 4

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It was 7:30 when I woke up the sun was shining right through my long wide window I got up going straight to the bathroom to wash up 15 minutes later I was brushing my teeth and washing my face I was in the middle of pulling my hair into a high pony tail when my phone beep indicating that I had a message I went and pulled my phone off of the charger to see Trey had sent a text asking if I could come early because "we had to talk" what ever that meant I opened it and didn't respond and continued to finish my hair and makeup I applied some powder pink lip gloss on then went to my closet and put on some light grey leggings and a white crop hoodie with my all white Jordan lows I grabbed my portable charger off of the charger and my grey cross over bag and walked downstairs grabbing my keys off of the island table and a bag of lays chips and a orange juice I headed out locking up behind me and getting into the car I began to drive heading to rude ass Trey house

It was 8:25 when I pulled up I put my car in park and got out finishing up the rest of the orange juice I had left in my bottle before going to the door and knocking when the door swung open this time to a angry looking Trey well hell he always seemed angry when I was around I walked in almost frightened to walk past him considering if looks could kill I would have definitely been dead

"Sit there" he said before pointing to the couch I looked at him before sitting trying to see if I could read him but obviously not he came and sat across from me steering me up and down before speaking

"I called you yesterday"

"Um yeah I know and I answered" I said a bit puzzled but I knew where this was heading... at least I thought

"Who the fuck you think you be talking to India"

Trey said definitely above a whisper but I damn sure wasn't about to let ANYBODY talk to me disrespectful

Standing up getting ready to leave because I don't have time for this shit I said

"Trey I don't know who the fuck you think you is talking to me like you do and acting the way you do I'm not them little bitches that be chasing after you nor am I some bitch on the streets that just going to let you talk to them any kind of way I don't give a fuck If I work for you or not I don't give a fuck WHO YOU ARE I said walking closer to him now In his face You ain't finna y'all crazy to me"

A little taken back at what I just had said I stepped back a little because I was so damn close to him although I was no where near his face although I tried to be by standing on my tippy toes

"Come here"

Now I know good and god damn well not to go to somebody you just cursed out when they tell you to come here

"I said come here"

He said again in a more Stern tone this time I went

"Who the fuck you talking to"

He asked grabbing my neck and pushing me up against the wall

"I-i "

Was all I could get out before he crashed his lips into mines pulling my hair and gripping my ass now a slight moan slipped from my mouth but I wasn't about to be one of Treys bitches so I pushed him off of me and grabbed my purse off of the couch running out of the house


I had heard him calling me but there was no way I was turning around to go back in there with him I got in the car and sped off back to my house wondering what would have happened if I didn't push him off of me I couldn't lie I kinda wanted him but I wasn't going to be one of Treys bitches that wasn't about to happen

45 minutes later I was pulling up in my drive way My phone was blowing up Trey had been calling and texting me since I ran out on him I turned my phone off and went to unlock my door getting the mail off of the porch before walking in going right to the kitchen so make some food

1 hour later my food was done I was now sitting on the couch with a towel over my lap eating and watching movies soon I was done I cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs to my room I turned on my tv and laid down until I dozed off.

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