8 - His mumbles

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Another fit of coughs.

"[Name]?", he walked into the room with a white tray in his hand, cups trembling, filled to the brim with water, tea and various other concoctions.


"Did you take the medicine?"

"A-hem," she touched her neck gently, "...I might have."

It was one of the couple moments in which his sweet face would be contorted into a grimace of annoyance; while it didn't make him less cute, it definitely made her want to smirk and annoy him further.

"Please do take it," he left the tray on the table, "now."

She simply sighed as he handed her a cup.

Pristine white, medium height cup with the slightest tinge of white that lingered on top of the red fruit based tea.

"Thank you."

He proceeded to offer her a white pill, which she took, albeit rather begrudgingly.

"Thank you."

He nodded as he sat next to her.

"Um, what's your condition," he stopped, scratching his cheek, "if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't know, actually."

She took a large gulp from the cup, proceeding rather light-heartily, "Haven't checked with the doctor quite yet," she smirked weakly, "I mean, you can google it if you'd like, although I wouldn't really say it's a trustworthy source."


He fished his phone from his pocket and started typing only to realize he didn't know the symptoms except dry coughing fits and headaches.

"What are your symptoms exactly?"

She leaned back into the silky sheets and closed her eyes, bringing her hand, just a tad too cold, to her forehead.

"Uh," she cautiously started, "fever, probably-", he nodded yet once again, "dry coughing, migraine that just won't be gone, slight dizziness - well, slight."

He typed a quick summary of the symptoms, that she took her time numbering, and to his surprise, the answers differed quite a bit.

"Bronchitis? Pneumonia?!"

His face paled more than her own hands as he read the conclusion from the web pages.


A snort escaped her lips as she sneered.

"Not to worry, Izuizu; I don't have whatever that says."

His head whipped to her and back to his own phone in less than a blink of an eye while he blubbered gibberish.


That green head of his turned to look at her once more, "We need to go to the ho-"

Her eyebrows shot up at this, creating a half-sided smile to match the expression, "It's literally a sore throat and lack of water - nothing more. Google is literally broken-", she laughed at her own words, "I bet they even say that I have cancer or a brain tumor."

He seemed to relax - somewhat- but still had tense shoulders, eyes fixed on his phone.

"I- I-"

Once again, he begun to start mumbling.

Once again, she could only smile at his tenderness.

now izuku is just cute; but my writing, oh, that is the real gibberish.

I wish a happy new year for everyone! Hope this year brings lots of health, love and happiness <3

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