Batman's Early Wedding Present

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Emmet, Lucy, Benny, Unikitty, Metalbeard, and Batman have assembled around in the center of The Dog. Emmet sat with his legs crossed with Lucy leaned against him, his arm gently placed around her shoulders. On their right was Benny floating upside down. Next to him was Unikitty sitting in a dog position. Then we have Metalbeard sitting five feet away from them, due to his size, with his torso leaned onto his right robotic arm. Lastly, we have Batman the only one standing with his entire cape wrapped around him, him presenting his signature Batman stealthy stance. They were all sitting, save for Batman, in a circle surrounding a numerous amount of flyers and pictures of Churches or parks and beaches with alters. They were beginning to plan Emmet and Lucy's wedding. The couple had been together for two years when Emmet popped the question in late September and planned to get married in late May; giving them nine months to plan their wedding.

It had been two months since their engagement, which means they have now seven months to plan. Lucy didn't sweat about it, despite being the bride-to-be. While she wanted everything to go right, she was flexible and was the type to go with the flow in any situation. Emmet, on the other hand, was starting to panic. being the loving and traditional gentleman that he is, he wanted everything to go perfectly for their wedding. He even threw an engagement party at his apartment the following week, despite Lucy's wishes, which were "It's not necessary". Emmet only replied with, "Of course it is, we need to celebrate our next big step in our lives together".

Two months passed and Emmet decided to get serious to do some planning, one thing leads to another, and that's where we are now with our fellow master builders helping to plan the "Special Couple's" Wedding. Unikitty came up with the name.

"Everyone LOVES a beach wedding!!" Unikitty beamed. Sparkle matter of shells and smiley suns bursting out around her.

"Yeah but not everyone likes marching in the hell temperature sand," Batman complained.

"Not to mention that it's in May when it's about to become hotter than a ghost pepper," Lucy added.

"Well, I was Hoping the Saint Mungo church," Emmet suggested, "It's where my parents married, and It's well air-conditioned." Emmet gave a convincing smile at the end.

Everyone looked at each other, shrugging shoulders or nodding heads.

"Beats waiting out in the hot air, waiting for lucy to take forever" Batman spat.

Lucy gave a scowl at Batman's comment. she grabbed the empty coffee cup next to her and tossed it towards Batman, her aiming became true as it hit batman right at his face, hard.

"I'll have you know, Simon Cowell, that It will literally take me five minutes to get ready." Lucy hissed

Batman just moaned in slight pain from where he lay from the harsh hit from the engaged DJ.

"How would you get your wedding gown, makeup, and hair all done in five minutes?" Benny questioned.

Lucy leaned back against Emmet's embrace and crossed her arms.

"I'm not gonna have all that do-do, Benny. I'm just going to wear this fancy dress Batman, or Batjerk" Lucy turned to Batman with a frown as he gave a loud sigh"-bought me for a dance one time".

Emmet looked at his fiance with a quizzical expression.

"You mean you're not gonna go shop for a wedding dress?"

Lucy's face went blank. She bit her lip nervously and reached for Emmet's hand. She looked at him, making sturdy eye contact with his green irises, and held his hand firmly.

"Babe," Lucy began, "I know how traditional you are about this, and I love that about you. But there are things I'm gonna have to put my foot down. I don't want a big wedding gown or makeup, and if anyone were to touch my hair, we'll have to use the church for a funeral as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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