Chapter 3,

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"But tonight I'm letting go"

Charlie's POV

Ever since what happen after the sister location incident I've been spending time with Zoey and at times practiced forms with Aphmau. It's been almost a year and I still don't have much control. We don't know if the training has worked until... a leap of faith.

Aphmau's POV

One of my main questions have still been lingering. Ever since I've felt skeptical about her. Zoey. The only possible explanation of Charlie's change. I soon enough heard my door click open.
"Aphmau? Can I ask you something?"
It was Kaitlyn. (You didn't expect here to be back in the story did ya?)
"Yeah sure"
I said in my most non-worried voice.
"Is it true that you're a Marrionette?"
I sat there in shock to hear what my friend said.
"Kawaii~Chan said she was upstairs when you and Charlie... fought?"
She said the last part as if it were a question.
"They figured out there is now no more point to hide it"

Kaitlyn's POV

Aphmau's door was locked I presumed because after that I heard 'click' noise of it being unlocked. I looked to see her looking guilty at the ground. I looked at her with a worried face of sorrow sympathy confusion and fear.
I was at loss for words. I was in pure shock.

Marionette's POV

All the others who were obviously eavesdropping came out.
"I think we all need answers in this situation"
Garroth spoke. After I explain the bite of '83 (at least I think its 83) the car crash, the animatronics, Purple guy, Michael, what happen at Sister Location, and Charlie, Zoey, and I's ability is. They came to an honest understanding.
"T-This insane and you did all that in the past year?"
Zane ask led while massaging his head from possible headache. I nodded then spoke again,
"After I got home from that incident I told Charlie that we we're related and then that's when we figured out about Charlie having a different self with my human self triggering it."
Everyone sat back in fear.
"Oh no don't worry! I've been training him as Marrionette only so all now left is a leap of faith."
They all sighed in relief until Travis spoke up.
"So wait you're technically.....

.... A ZOMBIE!???"
We all burst out laughing at his terrible joke.
"So are we all cool?"
I ask the group. And they all agreed.

A Song of Death (Part 2) *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now