Chapter Four

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I didn't realize how short I was on time while being with Arthur. I was rushing to get ready for this stupid ball and the ache between my legs wasn't helping. I wasn't limping but you could could tell I was in some pain.

I finished putting on my layers and did my makeup. I heard a knock down on the door and I went over to open it. A servant stood there waiting patiently.

"Mr. Salvatore will be waiting for you in his office ma'am." She said to me. I nodded at her and thanked her. She left without another word.

I finished covering up the hickey Arthur gave me. I couldn't believe I was careless enough to let him mark me like this. Especially on a night like this. As much as I'd love to show it off, my father would be very suspicious. I loaded makeup on top of it and put my shoes on. I headed towards my fathers office ready to begin the night.

I tried to find a way to walk where I didn't look like I was in pain. Nothing was working. I tried to keep my face void of any emotion to prevent the scrounging up of my face when something hurt. When I got to my fathers office I didn't bather knocking.

"Ah, there you are. I was just about to tell your brothers about tonight." My father said as he saw me. Stefan and Damon were already there and waiting.

"Sorry, lost track of time." I said and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Tonight is the first annual Founders Ball. I want you all to be on your best behavior and treat each guest as if they are family. Since Damon and Stefan have a date already, I've paired you up with Lewis Warren, Paris." I looked at my father wide eyed, as did my brothers.

"Lewis Warren? The rapist?" I asked him, making sure I heard right. He gave me a look and almost glared.

"There was no proof he did that to the servant girl. She made it up to cause trouble." He said with a stern voice. I scoffed and stood up.

"No proof? The girl was in the hospital for days. The only reason he wasn't found guilty was because people just saw her as a peasant." I shot back at him. Damon rubbed my shoulder gently, trying to calm me down. There was no way in hell I was going through with this.

"Mr. Warren is a charitable man, you will dance with him tonight and that is final. Now all of you get downstairs and greet our guests." He said, and without another word all of us left. Me slamming the door on the way out.

"Can you believe that fool?!" I cried out stomping my way to the downstairs rooms.

"Just stay close to us, or Arthur, we'll make sure nothing happens." Stefan said. I stopped in my tracks and looked at him in confusion.

"Oh come on Paris, do you really think you could hide your relationship from us? Don't worry, we're happy for you. It was about time you got some happiness in your life." Damon said, we continued to go downstairs. I was silent after that. If my brothers knew Arthur and I were seeing each other than there must be more people who know as well. I just hope my father was blind to it.

We got downstairs and started to greet guests. One by one members of founding families showed up. The Fells, Lockwoods, and even the Gilberts showed. Then, one man I was dreading to see showed. Lewis Warren appeared with a nasty smirk on his face. The look on his face sent shivers down my spine and not in a good way. He walked up to me in a cocky stride.

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