Feelings (Markhyuck)

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He looked up at the sky and saw grey. What a gloomy day it was. He knew where he should be at the moment but it wasn't where he wanted to be. Everything about that day had been anything but enjoyable. There was yelling and cursing and words said that in any other instance he would have never even thought of saying. But he had been angry, and anger blinds people from a lot of things, namely the love and affection they might hold for a boy who always finds a way to be annoying, though he would never admit that said boy's actions never really irritated him as much as they made his heart flutter.

And that thought right there is what makes him groan in despair. How on earth could he be so stupid as to only realize his true feelings after he already said some of the harshest things he has ever said to anyone. How on earth does one act like such a douche bag to the only person that makes them feel like they're on cloud nine any time they're around.

Standing in the middle of the sidewalk just outside his dorm, Mark ponders on running away, running as fast as his legs can take him, hopefully to a completely different reality.

He doesn't want to be here in this emotional hell he created for himself, doesn't want to face the fact that the longer he stands out here, the farther away the chances of him getting Haechan back get, until eventually they will have slipped out of his grasp completely.

He knows that he was being unfair and petty, but the thought of Haechan clinging to anyone other than him riled Mark up to no end. Thinking back to that argument, though, he also knows just how much he had been hurting his best friend, and the imaginary hole in which Mark wishes he could bury himself in grows bigger and bigger.

Mark feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and contemplates not answering, but his day has already been bad enough, one phone call couldn't make it any worse.

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out the device, checking the caller ID. A familiar name is displayed across the screen so Mark slides his finger to answer the call.

"Hi Jaehyun hyung."

"Mark! I've been trying to call you for so long. Where are you and why is Haechan in his room crying?"

And if that didn't make Mark's heart hurt like crazy.

"I went out to get some air. Me and Hyuck had a fight and I didn't feel like staying in the dorms." Mark replied.

"Well I don't give a crap about what you didn't feel like doing. Donghyuck is crying and you aren't here, and from what I can piece together the likelyhood of this whole situation being your fault is about ninety-five percent."

More like a hundred percent if we're being truthful.

"Look, I was being a complete jerk back there so I doubt Hyuck wants to even look at me right now. I said some really mean things, hyung, and if I had stayed in that dorm my judgement would have been way too clouded by anger for me to even think about apologizing."

There was silence on the other line.

"Mark, where are you?"

"I already told you, I went out to get some-"

"Air, I know. But that's not what I'm asking you. Where exactly are you?"

LOVE ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora