8 Letters (Markhyuck)

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You know me the best. You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge.

Mark had his problems. Everyone did. He could be cocky, rude, insensitive, selfish. He had a hard time accepting himself and believing in his own self-worth. Expressing his feelings wasn't always easy and he had a tendency to push away those he cared about the most when he was afraid of getting too attached.

But even with all this, even with all his baggage and problems, Donghyuck could only love him.

That, right there, is the scariest feeling.

Mark didn't know how to handle being so unconditionally loved. Donghyuck didn't judge him, didn't berate him for not always doing his best. All he ever did was show that he cared, show that he was there for Mark even if Mark didn't always want him to be. It was absolutely terrifying to think that he meant that much to someone, that someone could mean this much to him. He didn't want to let Donghyuck down, even if Donghyuck made it clear constantly that he never could.

Opening and closing up again, I've been hurt so I don't trust.

Mark had his fair share of relationships. He experienced heartache, some so excruciating he didn't know if he would come back from them. People had hurt him, taken advantage of how trusting he could become, how invested he would be in his partner. So Mark learned to stop getting so close, to stop trusting people even if they proved time and time again that they weren't going to leave him.

Still, Donghyuck never gave up. He didn't stop trying to help Mark, didn't stop trying to help the boy gain what had been slowly chipped away by others.

Now here we are, staring at the ceiling.

"Mark?" Donghyuck asked as they lay on the floor of his bedroom, side by side.

"Yeah?" Mark replied, his hand slowly starting to inch toward Donghyuck's.

"I don't usually ask you this because I'm not doing this," He gestured between them, "to gain something, but do I mean anything to you? Does this mean something?" He laughed softly. "It's honestly a stupid question because I know that it's hard for you to care about people and it takes a while to be able to overcome that and I don't know why I think I'm someone special to-"

Mark grabbed Donghyuck's hand, slowly intertwining their fingers while he smiled at the ceiling.

"You are something special." Mark said. "I don't know if I can give you a label of what this," He copied Donghyuck and gestured between them, "is just yet, but I can tell you that you do mean something to me. You mean more than you think you do."

Donghyuck didn't expect that, but he was satisfied with that answer. More than satisfied.

I've said those words before but it was a lie.


"Yes, Mark?"

"I know that I said before that I don't know exactly what we are, but I don't think I was completely honest." Mark said as he fiddled with his sweatshirt pocket. They were outside on his porch swing, listening to the rustling of the leaves as they fell from the trees.

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