|Chapter 2|

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Shy High

Mel's POV
Same Day

Okay. The only reason I'm tutoring that arrogant son of a bitch, is because I want that recommendation and extra credit. I was willing to help him before, but not anymore. He better not waste my time either.

"Hey." I called to Jermaine as we walked out of the classroom. "I don't want you at my house, I don't wanna be in yours, so meet at the school's library after school. If you're even so much as 10 minutes late, go home because I won't be there anymore. Each tutoring session is 2 hours. Don't be late." Without waiting for his response, I walked off to my next class.

I arrived at my next class, Advanced Chemistry, and took a seat all the way in the back right corner. The teacher, Mr. Townes, took attendance and said my name. I said here and almost the whole class looked back at me. I caught eyes with one girl that seemed to give me a smug look and turned back around in her seat. I internally rolled my eyes and focused back on whatever I was drawing in my notebook.

"Alright class, today we'll be learning about chemical kinetics. Chemical kinetics is-" I didn't hear the rest of what he said because I was too busy looking at this one boy who sat next to me. He was staring at me. He looks...attractive, but he also seemed like the one that'll always fuck you over. I slowly diverted my attention back towards the teacher.

 I slowly diverted my attention back towards the teacher

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"Hey. I'm Rashad." he said out of the blue.
I hesitated to say something back.

"Hey. I'm Mel." I replied.

"So um... you new here?" he questioned.
"Yea, yea I am."
"Where are you from?"
This guy is really interested in me, huh?
"North Carolina."
"Oh really? That's nice." he remarked.
"Mhm." I didn't want to continue this conversation.

But he proceeded to keep talking to me.

"You're really pretty, maybe we could-"

"Look," I stated sternly, "I'm sorry, but I'd REALLY like listen to what the teacher's saying. So, if you don't mind..."

"Oh! Sure. Sure. I apologize." He replied in shock.

"It's cool."

As time went on, I began to get a little drowsy. The teacher was highly boring, and it was killing me.

Just as I was about to dose off, bit- I mean- Jermaine, walked into the classroom.

"You've GOT to be kidding me!" I said aloud to myself.

"Late yet again, Mr. Cole. One more tardy, and that's detention for you." sternly remarked the teacher.
"What's this? A prison?" he snarkily retorted.

Most of the class laughed, and the others (me included) didn't find anything funny.

"Go take a seat, Jermaine." Mr. Townes demanded. And with that, Jermaine took one of the few available seats near the back of the class...

By me.

Mr. Townes continued on with his lesson, and I was sooo focused, until Jermaine started speaking to me.

"By the way, you sittin' in my seat."
I looked all around the desk, and replied, "Tuh. Funny...I don't see your name on it."

He then took a sharpie, and wrote his name on the back of the chair that I was sitting in.

"Great job, doofus. You've just committed vandalism." I mocked. He'd just realized what he had done, and face palmed himself. I quietly giggled and went back to taking notes.

Sooner than expected, class was over and it was now lunchtime. I headed towards my locker to put away a few things before I headed off to the cafeteria. When I arrived at my locker, the girl from my previous class approached me.

"I don't know who you are, but Rashad is mine." she snarled.

Hearing the mention of the boy I had just met, I scrunched my face up in confusion, wondering what the fuck that has to do with me. "Okay?...And what do you want me to do about that?"

"I saw you flirting with him in class. Just wanted to warn you to stay away from my man." She crossed her arms. I poked the side of my mouth with my tongue, then smirked as I kind of wanted to test her.

"Or what?" I raised my eyebrow in skepticism.
"'Or' I'll beatcha ass."
"That's cute. The boy that hardly acknowledged, you even though you sat right in front of him, is your boyfriend? Hm...never would've guessed." I retorted with a tight-lipped smile.

While she was standing in shock, I shut my locker and walked away. I may seem like I'm shy, but get on my bad side, you'll start second guessing your life.

I made it to the cafeteria and got my food. I approached the lunch lady at the register, greeting her with a smile as I punched my lunch number. She smiled back, and told me to have a nice lunch. That was sweet, but this baby-portioned shit wasn't gonna get me anywhere.

I made do with the lunch, and finished just when the bell rang for rotation. I arrived at my second to last class, just waiting for school to be over with.

Let me know if I made any mistakes.❤️

The girl from 2nd period (Halle Bailey as Michelle Crismon)

The girl from 2nd period (Halle Bailey as Michelle Crismon)

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(Trevor Jackson as Rashad Bell)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2021 ⏰

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