Part 1

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Ara-Rose's POV.

I walked down the street to my house. Finally spring break!! I heard my brothers car behind me and turned. "What Michael?" I asked.

 He smiled brightly. "Get in!" He yelled. I looked at him suspiciously.

 "Why?" He never let me in his car. 

He stared at me a moment. "Just get in!" He snapped. I opened the door and sat down. I heard a squeak and stared at him in shock. He put a whoopy cushion on the fucking seat! I looked over to see people snickering. 

"WHAT THE HELL MICHAEL!" I snapped. I jumped out of the car and walked home. I'm so done with his dump ass pranks. I finally arrived at the house. Mom and dad were at work, so I took, this time, to yell at Michael. 

"What the hell is wrong with you? I have school with those people! I can't even believe you did that!" I yelled. 

He started laughing and pulled his headphones away. "What was that lil sis?" He asked.


"Actually, I do have friends!" He shot back.

I rolled my eyes, "The one's that hide under your bed? How come I've never met them? Hmm?" I shot back. "You know what! They're coming over tomorrow for band practice! You can meet them then!" He yelled. 

"Yeah. The 'band' you guys started." I said walking to my room. I heard him slam the door shut and I smiled. Opening my door. Suddenly I was engulfed in paint. Bright fucking pink paint. "MICHAEL!" I screamed and heard him laughing. I pulled out clean clothes and quickly went to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes, and then quickly showered. Pulling my wet hair back, I put it in a pony tail and grabbed my dirty clothes.

I went back in my room, with a couple slices of pizza, and turned on the TV. I watched the Big Bang Theory. Sheldon was the best! I love him so much! I fell asleep after eating and watching a bunch of episodes. My plate had ventured to the floor, and the remote laying beside me, I dreamt.

I woke, looking around. My TV was still playing, but now some weird ass show was on. What is happening to this world? I got up and walked down stairs. I heard a bunch of racket in the garage, so decided to go check it out. I walked in and saw 3 guys and then Michael. 

"Nice pajama's." The brown headed one said. I blushed. Everytime there are guests I'm in my fucking pajamas.

 "Thanks." I muttered.

 Michael looked up at me. "Ara, this is Calum, Ashton, and Lukey!" He said, happily. "Now that you see I have friends, you can leave!" He said pointing to the door. I walked right over to him. 

"Hey uhh.. Michael?" I said. He looked back up at me. I smacked him then I walked out. Slamming the door. He was such a douche sometimes. I take that back, all the time! I walked into the house and got down some cereal. I walked to the fridge and pulled out the milk. I went to pour some, but nothing came out. I groaned, and threw it away.

 "Thanks a lot fucking Michael!" I said, pouring my cereal back into the box, and getting a breakfast bar instead. I ate it, and then felt someone staring at me. I turned to see.. Wait which one was he... Lukey? I don't know. "Hi." I said. 

He looked down at his shoes. "Hi." He replied. I took the last bite of my bar, and poured some orange juice. 

"Did you want some?" I asked. He smiled down at the floor, but shook his head. I nodded, and walked past him. 

"Nice meeting you!" I yelled over my shoulder. I smiled as I walked up the steps. I could see his bright blue eyes in my head. What a cutie! Oh my god! What's wrong with me? I landed face forward into my bed. I looked over at my shelf. I smiled as I found my song book. Michael wasn't the only musician in the house. I pulled out my song book, and grabbed a pencil. Starting to write...

I wait on my front porch...

Will you ever see, that you're the one I need?

That my hearts fighting me against this...

I can't fight much longer...

Ohh noo...

My feelings are gonna show,

What's gonna happen when you see me?

The real me?

The one that's been hiding behind this mask

Ever fading into the darkness...

Ohh whooaaa

Save me...

Because you're all I ever wanted.

You're all I ever need.

My feelings are gonna show,

What's gonna happen when you see me?

The real me?

The one that's been hiding behind this mask

Ever fading into the darkness...

Come save me...

Come rescue me, because...

You're all I ever wanted...

You're all I ever need!

Come and save me...

My demons are fighting...

But this heart of mine is stronger...

Can I win this battle?

You're all I ever need,

You're all I ever wanted...

Oh whoaa

I sat my pencil down and looked through the lyrics. Not too shabby! A pair of blue eyes started to appear in my mind I quickly shook them away. What's wrong with me? I turned the TV on, and Family Guy came on. Okay then. I sat and watched it. Laughing most of the time. It was quite funny. Those eyes kept appearing... I didn't have a crush on him, did I??


HEYY!! SO do you guys like it?? SO the song.... I kinda just free wrote it. Do you guys think its good? I've rewritten it a thousand times!! Haha, so yeah!!! Lol, vote and comment!! I'll try and update ASAP! First day of High School Today! YAY, new school too. Just tons of freakin fun!! HAHA.. So yeah!! Let meh know how ya like it!!

~Infinity_Of_Love xx

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