Part 5

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Ara's POV. 

"I can't believe it!" I squealed, as Hannah and I walked back downstairs.

 "You told me you didn't like her!" We heard Calum say. 

We stopped. "Dude, she's my sisters best friend!" 


"She's off limits too," Michael said flatly. 

"Michael, get over yourself. She's a big girl she can make her own decisions. You don't need to babysit her. Same with your sister. If she and Luke like each other, if they're happy. Let them be." Calum snapped.

 "Fuck off. You're not allowed to date Hannah." Michael said. 

"Why? Do you have a crushy wushy on her?" 

"No.. I just don't want you to be with her." He said quickly. 

"Leave our lives alone. Maybe focus on your own." Calum shot, and then we heard him coming towards the door. 

We hurried away, and into the living room. "Hey love." Luke said, as I sat beside him.

 "Hey." I smiled at him. Hannah was on the love seat, in a daze. 

"What's wrong?" Luke asked. 

"Nothing. Just Mike. He always thinks he needs to protect me. But I don't need him to. I wanna live my own life and I don't need him telling me what I can and can't do."

 Luke nodded, "True." 

"Guys come on! We have band practice!" Ashton said, jumping up and down. 

"You guys should come watch us." Luke said, and smiled. 

"We'll think about it." The boys left, going into the garage, and I went to sit next to Hannah.

 "Hey what's wrong?"

 "Nothing. Just thinking." She said

. "Oh... Well would you like to take your thinking to the garage, and watch the boys practice?" I asked. 

She shrugged, "I guess." We walked out into the garage. The boys had already started. We sat at the front of the garage, as the boys rocked out. They were amazing! 

Hannah's POV. 

I sat waiting as the boys packed their stuff up. I stood, walking over to where Calum sat, strumming at his bass.

 "Hey." I said sitting beside him. 

"Hi, love." I smiled, and listened to him strum. "Michael doesn't want us to be together." He said softly. 

"Well, there really isn't anything he can do about it." I spoke, moving my eyes to his face. 

He smiled, "I guess not." I smiled back at him, kissing his cheek. 

"Would you like to go out tonight?" Calum asked. 

"Yeah sure!" 

He grinned, "Awesome!" He continued strumming but this time he had a smile on his face. "Would you like to try?" He asked.

 "I can't play," I said laughing.


He handed me the instrument, and I looked at him. "I don't know the first thing about this." I admitted, laughing. I didn't do music. It wasn't my kind of thing. Yeah it always did look interesting, but I never kept to an instrument. I would always change, so then I'd only know half of what anyone else did. 

"Here." He said, sitting behind me. He placed my fingers where they were suppose to go, and I strummed. I smiled up at him. "You're a natural!" 

I blushed, "No I'm not! You're the natural. You're great at it, Calum. And I really think you could get big. All four of you." 

He smiled, "Thanks. That really means a lot."

 I smiled, "It's the truth." He put the bass back in the case. 

"We better be going in. It's getting chilly." He said, pulling me up.

 "Yeah." We walked into the house, sitting down with the other boys. 


"This is the best food I have ever tasted." I said, taking a bite.

 He smirked, "I can tell." I smiled, taking a sip of my drink. 

"So.. What do you want to do after we finish?" He asked. 

 "Go to the park!" I cheered. 

"Okay! We can get our little kid on!" We both laughed. 

"Yeah." I really liked Calum. He was nice, good in bed, and just the best thing any girl could ever want. He was great. He paid the bill and we headed out for the park. It was growing dark now and the temperature had dropped. We reached the park and I hurried to the swings. He followed behind. We sat on the swings. 

"I can swing higher!" He said, and started pumping his legs.

 I did the same. "Oh really now?" I asked. We laughed, and slowed the swings. 

"So tell me about yourself," he said. 

"Well.. There's not much to tell. I'm the Italian-Australian girl." 

"There's more to you than just that." He said. 

I bit my lip. "My father left before I was even born. Totally vanished. Mom wouldn't talk about him, and soon enough she started drinking. I was about 7? I think, the first time she came home drunk.." I said looking away. "I had to take care of her. Make sure her hair wasn't in her face when she puked. Make sure she was okay before I left for school.. I had to hope that she didn't get fired from her job. That she still had money to pay for rent. She blamed me for him leaving... So finally she started straightening up a bit. I think I was 14. She didn't come home as often drunk. She didn't have as many mood swings. She had met a guy. Leo. He had helped her out some. Made her smile. It was great.. And they're still together. She still comes home drunk occasionally. But only when he's not around. He goes on trips for work... So I was depressed half my life.." I said, looking down at my wrists.

 "You didn't?" He said. I bit my lip looking away. "I'm so sorry Hannah." 

I shrugged, "I'm fine now. For gods sake, I'm 16. Almost 17... I know what the worlds about... I know what goes on. But one thing I won't let happen is my kids living the crappy childhood I did." 

He sighed, "Yeah. I think you'd be a great mother."

 I smiled, "Thanks." 

He nodded, "Welcome." We sat there looking at each other. The swings barely even moving. "We should get going. It's getting cold." I nodded, standing.

 We headed towards my place, "I'll call you later?" I said to him.

 "Okay. Bye, love." He said kissing my forehead. I waved to him, as he headed away.

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