Two Witches, One Bed (What Could Possibly Go Wrong?)

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Nothing. Nothing could possibly go wrong here. Not as far as one witch is concerned, and that witch was you, Lotte Jansson. You certainly didn't mind sharing your bed with a witch in need, but if that witch was Atsuko Kagari, you'd share with her even if she didn't need it, hell you'd be happy just to sleep on the floor knowing she was in your bed.

On this particular evening, as soft, pale moonlight was just beginning to make its way in through the windows, a certain brown-haired girl shuffled into the dorm room she shared with you and Sucy. You felt your heart skip a beat, maybe two.

"Konbanwa, Akko," you say to her, barely above a whisper. You didn't want to wake up Sucy, who was somehow sleeping like the dead. "How was the rest of your day?"

"Hyvää iltaa, Lotte," she whispers back, the words of your native Finnish tongue sounding strange with her heavy Japanese accent. You can only imagine how your speech sounds to her. It was customary for you two to say hello using each other's language and you really liked it. "Things were okay. Narrowly escaped detention from Professor Finnelan, which is nice because it means I've got a night off. You?"

Oh my. She's asking about you? Of course. You automatically go to one of the simplest responses your brain can come up with, and it happens to be one of the more embarrassing options. "I got to see your face and read one of my new Night Fall novels, so it was a pretty good day in my book."

When you finally register what you just said, you blush and hope your tomato-red freckled face can't be seen in the moonlight. Akko seems a bit surprised but you shake it off, maybe you're just misinterpreting it?

She sighs softly and you can't help staring. Hopefully the light reflecting off your glasses hides it. She starts to slowly change into something more fitting for sleeping in and you have to look away. Nope, not peeking. You'd rather not see Akko like that just yet, you don't think your weak little heart could handle it, as it's already trying to beat out of your chest.

You only look when you hear her deposit her clothes on the bed. She's done, thank heavens.

"Lotte? Could I ask you something?" Oh. Oh boy. The words that would probably end up being your demise.

"Anything, Akko. What's on your mind?" Yes, you'd really like to know. This could be something of importance, though when it came to her, everything was important to you.

The Japanese girl hesitates a moment, before mumbling something unintelligible. Is she embarrassed? Now it's even more intriguing than before. What could possibly make bold-as-brass Akko like this?

"Could you speak up a little please? I couldn't quite hear that..." You were nervous, to say the least, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.

"Could I sleep with you tonight? Bottom bunk is a bit chilly and there's no way I'm cuddling up to Sucy tonight." Okay, what? She wanted to share? With you, of all people? Surprising. You could feel your body heating up at the mere though of being by her side, maybe getting to cuddle with her. Like hell you'd say no to this!

"Of course, Akko! I'll try my best to keep you warm. You have my word there." And she did. You'd do everything within your capabilities to keep the chill off her.

At that, her crimson eyes seem to light up and you can feel your heart flutter. "Arigato, Lotte!" As she starts to climb the ladder to your bunk, you move a bit to make some room for her, on your side so she can make the most of the room and sleep as she pleases to.

"Ole hyvä," you respond, starting to think she liked it when you spoke in Finnish. You know you liked it when she spoke in Japanese.

She clambers in beside you and promptly flops onto her side like she's matching you. Dork. You get a little closer, since she was complaining about the chill why not use some body heat to keep her warm. Drawing the blanket over the two of you, you can't help but think of how lucky you are Akko decided she was too cold to sleep alone tonight.

But then she gets even closer and you're a little surprised. Did she actually want to cuddle? Real skin-on-skin contact? Wow. You wriggle closer until the two of you are almost touching and your face is probably red as a beet, it's not often that you're this close to her.

"There's something else I need to say too, Lotte... please don't be angry with me."

"Why would I be upset?"

"Because..." she trails off and there's a moment of silence before she just mumbles something and then her lips are on yours.

Oh my God. She's kissing you. Your first kiss. For a minute you're so shocked that you can't reciprocate, you forget you exist in the grand scheme of things, all you can feel is her lips. But everything comes back to you and you kiss back, pulling her against you gently. You can't believe this. The very girl you've been crushing on for ages has her lips against yours. Oh man, you hope this isn't some kind of a joke.

When the kiss is finally broken and both of you are left gasping for air, she whispers something against your ear that makes you shiver but also grin with delight.

"Aishiteru Lotte. Watashi wa kokorokara anata o aishiteimasu," Woah. Professing her love in Japanese. Clearly this means a lot to her, you know enough Japanese to be aware of the fact that most people in Japan don't really express their romantic feelings with words.

"Oh, Akko..." you've never been so happy in your whole life. Finally your dreams have come true. Akko loves you just as much as you love her. All those hours you spent fantasizing about being her lover weren't wasted after all.

"I know, it's pretty crazy... I'm sorry," she mutters, but you silence her with a kiss, soft and gentle but kept quick. You don't want her to be upset.

"Akko. Minäkin rakastan sinua. Olet minulle kaikki kaikessa," you can hear her take a breath of surprise. It's like she's about to start crying.

"You really mean it, Lotte?"

"I really do. Every word. I've loved you, everything to do with you, since we met that day at the leyline terminal. You're wonderful and you're the only person I'll ever feel this way about."

"Oh, Lotte..." here come the waterworks. You pull her as close as you can, letting her head rest on your chest while you let your hand run up and down her back in an attempt to calm her.

"Shhhhhhhhhh, you're okay. I've got you here. I love you and I'm never letting you go."

She chokes back a sob and whispers "I love you too, please don't let me go ever," and you don't. You hold her in your arms and when she calms down the two of you just cuddle and kiss until you drift off, secure in each other's embrace. She's not going anywhere and neither are you.

The next morning, when Sucy wakes up, she'll be the first to see a sleeping new couple, one that had hearts linked by so much passion and love that nothing could tear them apart. Not even death could take you away from Akko.

She's yours forever and you're hers forever. And there's no other way it should be.


Author's note: I have translations if you need them.
Konbanwa: Good evening (Japanese)
Hyvää iltaa: Good evening (Finnish)
Arigato: Thanks (Japanese)
Ole hyvä: You're welcome (Finnish)
Aishiteru: I love you (Japanese)
Watashi wa kokorokara anata o aishiteimasu: I love you with all my heart (Japanese)
Minäkin rakastan sinua: I love you too (Finnish)
Olet minulle kaikki kaikessa: You are everything to me (Finnish)

Thank you for reading. Please leave your thoughts in the comments, including recommendations and ideas. Whatever you do, just don't start a shipping war.

Two Witches, One Bed (What Could Possibly Go Wrong?) [One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now