Let's Start at the Beginning

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"Izuku!!!!!" You yelled.

You had been trying to get him to wake up for 5 minutes already. You sighed,

"And on the most important date too.."You mumbled. You tried once more,

"Izu-!" You were quickly cutoff. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming..!" He reassured. He sat down and ate his rolled omelette. He looked quite  jittery, well you couldn't blame him. Today he was going to go to the Entrance Exam for his dream school UA. Luckily, you didn't have to. You had gotten through recommendations, and since Midoriya barely got his quirk he said he was going to try out no matter what. You sighed and picked up his plate. 

"Thank you for the food, y/n!" He said happily, you smiled in return. 

"Hey, do you know where mom is?" You asked, he just shrugged. "Work? Shopping? Ooh! Let's bet on it!" You squealed. Izuku only laughed, "Work." You betted on Shopping, whoever lost would have to make lunch and breakfast for a week. Izuku put on his sweatshirt and some pants,as  he was about to leave, you stopped him. 

"Be careful alright?" Even though he was the older one you were always worried about him getting hurt. He just patted your head, "Always, be back later, kay?" 

"Okay, call me if you need anything." He closed the door. He would be gone for an hour, two at the max. You began your day, cleaning, reading, anything to keep you busy. You were getting at the good part of the book until your phone rang and ruined the mood. It was Izuku.

Huh, already?

"Izuku?" You answered. 

"Y/n! Ummm, heyyyyy..."He laughed nervously. You narrowed your eyes, "What did you do?" You say sternly.

"B-Broke some bones.." You choked on your own saliva. "And you need me to come escort you back, right?" You sigh gathering your things.  "Yep, I'm in the Nurses office inside UA. See you here?"

"Yes, oh yes. By the way...Are you hungry? Mom won't be back til late tonight, so we can pick up food on our way." You ask. "Sounds good, sis." You swore you could see him smiling. 

"Kay, be there soon." You hung up. You closed the door and locked it and ran towards the hero high school. After 15 minutes of running you finally reach the grounds, you jog up to the infirmary and see Izuku sitting on the bed. Noticing an older lady beside him, probably scolding him. 

"Pardon my intrusion." You say politely.

"Oh dear! You must be Y/n Midoriya, yes?" She asks. You nod, "Yes I am." She hands you a paper to sign, you return it back. "Thank you, Now if you'll just put him in the wheelchair and take him home." She smiles. "Thank you very much, Recovery Girl." Izuku says embarrassingly. You bow and begin rolling him out of school grounds. 

"Moms gonna freak when she sees you." You chuckle. "My thoughts exactly, but you can help heal me faster right?" He asked you hopefully. You rubbed the back of your neck, healing wounds with water was easier said than done...

"I mean can TRY. I'm not sure if it'll 100% work though...I've only done it once though..."You sigh.  "Alright then! Food?" He asked like a child. "I was thinking eaither sushi or ramen...Any thoughts?" 

"Ramen and rice!" He cheers happily pumping the arm that wasn't broken into the air making you giggle slightly. You go to the nearest ramen shop and order takeout and take it home. You carefully help Izuku on the mat so he can eat. You serve him his ramen and begin making the rice.

"You can eat, Izuku. I'm fine."You reassure.

"I know, but I would rather wait for you." He gleams. You cock an eyebrow, 

He only has one arm...You thought. You quickly pitman the rice to boil and sat next to Midoriya. You grab his chopsticks and begin feeding him his ramen. He blushes, "I-I can feed myself, y/n!" He stutters. "No you can't. Now,"You smirk, "Open wide!~" You sang.

After teasing him the whole dinner he tells you about the exam, but then you both noticed it was gonna be 10 soon and it would be time to go to bed. But before that you grabbed a bowl and filled it with water, and walked towards Izuku. He relaxed his muscles and let the water soothe his pain. 

"A..Aha..Almost.."You pant.

"Don't overdo it.."Worry taints his voice, you nod. Surprisingly, it was much easier to manipulate water rather than healing, it was so much harder. You almost pass out due to the strength and physical capability needed to heal. 

"There!" You breath heavily. 

His arm was completely healed and it looked like it was before he went to take the exam."Thanks a lot, Y/n! I feel loads better!" He says waving around his arm like a child. You smiled weakly, and before you knew it you were passed out on Izukus lap. He pets your hair and soon falls asleep with you on the floor.

A week later an envelope with a red, wax seal came in the mail. Both you and your mom scarambled into his room like maniacs to tell him about the UA letter that came in the mail. When he finally opened it he came out of his room telling us about the great news. 

"I'm accepted!!" He yelled happily, tears falling down his face.

"We're so happyyy!!!!!" You squeal hugging him.

Upon waking up days later, this would be the first day of High school. You put on your new uniform, it was a green skirt, black leggings, a white button up shirt, and a grey suit followed by a red tie. After what seemed like minutes you were waiting for Izuku.  "We're gonna be late!" You rushed. "Oh, y/n. Izuku left 30 minutes ago."Your mom deadpanned. "...Huh?" You stood there not breathing. "Bye mom! See you later!" You say slamming the door and sprinting to the High School. As you were turning a corner you bumped into someone. Causing you both to stumble to the ground. 

"I'm so sorry..! I should've been watching where I was going..!"You hesitate. "It's fine, I should be sorry." The voice says. It sounded like a boys. You look up and his face is tinted with pink. But then you notice why he has such a dumbfounded expression, you're both UA students. 

"I'm very sorry..uhm...?" He reaches down to help you. 

"Y/n, Midoriya. Yours?"

"Denki Kaminari." He smiles. His eyes are yellow and so is his spiky hair which had a black streak on his bangs. He pulls you up and begins walking with you to UA. "Thank you again, Kaminari.."

"It's fine, really! And you can call me Denki. Hey I never asked..Which classroom are you in?" He asks. "Oh, I'm in the Hero course Class 1-A. You?" He smirks, "What a coincidence, we're both in the same class."  You blush, and laugh awkwardly. When you finally arrived, his expression was kinda funny. 

"It's-It's..! Gigantic!" He breathes. You nod, "C'mon Denki! We're gonna be late for class!" You day tugging his arm. "Wwwuuuttt" His eyes stay glued to the school. You finally hit him in the head, "There! Better?" You ask innocently.

"Yep, better." He laughs a bit. You both finally reach the classroom and Denki opens it first for you, your eyes widen in surprise at his manners and also the fact that the teacher was already giving instructions. You wince, this wasn't good. "Take your seats, we're introducing ourselves before we go outside. I'm your home room teacher, Aiwaza Shouta. Nice to meet you." He welcomes dryly. You both bow and awkwardly make your way to your seats. You sat beside Denki. You glance over at Izuku who is mouthing "sorry." You just started blankly, looking scaredy up at the front of the classroom. 

"It's your turn, Midoriya." The teacher announces. Both you and Izuku look at each other in confusion. "Umm, sensei...? Which Midoriya..?" You squeak. 

"I don't care, you can both go up." He says sleepily.

Great, this is gonna be great.


ʕ•͡-•ʔ *when you get hit with cramps at 12:*

I hope this chapter wasn't very boring, I had to kinda explain a bit but it gets betterrrrrr. Baiiiiiiii

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