Day 1 of Birth Week

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I woke up silently on my soft, cold, bed. I sat up and listened to the soft patter of rain on the roof. I slowly crept out of bed and stretched. I raised my arms as far up as they would go, then bent over and flawlessly touched my toes. I stood back up straight, and twisted my back. I heard pop after pop. Then, one by one I popped my fingers. After that was finished, I slowly walked to my bathroom. I yawned and smiled. I turned on the light in my bathroom and looked myself over.

I was a small male, 5'4, with a feminine build. I had long black hair that went down my back, just four inches shy of my waist. My body was flawless. My arms and legs were blemish free, my chest and back were void of any freckles, my face was smooth and had no bumps or pimples. It's all thanks to my genetics.

I was wearing a small, velvet crop top with matching pajama pants. They were a gift from my guardian Josephine. I looked at my slightly pale face which watched the rest of my body. I looked up at my jet black hair. I kept it long because it hid my ears. My silky cat ears stood up and flicked for a second. Listening for any sound. When they found none, they rested back on my head, blending in perfectly with my hair. A long black tail rose behind me and swayed gently. I yawned again and this time sharp feline teeth were exposed. I closed my mouth after the yawn and shook the sleep from my head.

My arms, legs, and body was completely void of hair, except for my head and lower region. Of course my ears and tail were covered in short fur. My eyes were a bright yellow color and would change depending on my mood. They were like mood rings. Red was anger, dark blue was sadness, purple was love, magenta was lust, Green was happiness, Orange was frustration, pink was confusion, light blue was calm, and yellow was more of a default color. When I'm not feeling any particular way, they're yellow.

I walked to the shower and decided I would wash up. I took off my pajamas and folded them neatly, then set them on the counter. I turned on the cold water and let it run. I washed my hair first, than my chest, stomach, and all the way to my feet. Once I did that, I washed my tail and ears with a different conditioner and shampoo. It was more expensive and kept them nice and soft. Once I rinsed off and made sure all the soap was off of my body, I dried off.

After drying, I replaced my pajamas on my body and walked back into my bedroom. I looked around my room for my phone. Sometimes at night, it moves around because I keep it in the bed. I found it on the floor and looked at the time. 8am

I sighed and decided that I better start getting ready for church. I walked into my closet and pulled out a black polo shirt and a pair of white leggings and a grey skirt. My favorite color combination was white and black. I found a pair of violet boxers and slid them on after undressing from the pajamas. I picked up the clothes and carried them to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection again and sighed. I always hated looking at my reflection a second time. The first time I look at myself I'm proud. The second time, I'm sad because I have to cover what makes me, me.

I look at my long black hair, and tie it up in a bun. I tucked my ears under my neatly done hair and sighed. I look in the mirror and see my hair done and my ears are gone. I open a drawer and pull out colored eye contacts in, to hide my glowing eyes. I look in the mirror, and now my colorful eyes were replaced by a dull green. I put on my shirt and then my leggings. I wrapped my tail around my waist so it was hidden once I put on the grey skirt. I looked in the mirror and now my tail was gone. The only thing I can't hide are my teeth.

People don't pay to much attention to my teeth, but when they do, they think it's special more than supernatural. My skin wasn't different than many people. I looked at the time again and only five minutes had past. Nekos move faster than humans, which can be a bad thing. When I'm alone, or around Josie, I move fast, but around people I have to move slow, or at least at their pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2019 ⏰

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