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The sun beats down on your back with blistering heat. You let out a sigh of relief as you slip into the shadowed creek in the camp. A tumbleweed bounces past you and the prickly shrub beside you whistles. As you make your way to the medicine den, you hear Scorpionfrost's annoyed growl. "Get out! This isn't your nest nor your den!" You hear a mumble before a lazy Bushtail saunters out. You watch in concealed laughter as the medicine cat shoos Bushtail far away from her den. She turns and sees you drying off from your short swim. "Oh, you wanted to learn about my herbs, right?" You nod and walk over to her. "They're just back here."




Name |  Aniseed Myrtle
Looks | A short bushy tree with long wavy dark green colored leaves that are pointed at the end.
Growth Location | Among other tree's/bushes or near ponds
Affect(s) | Helps Bellyache
Apply | Orally     

Name | Blaze Cassia /Golden Rain Tree
Looks | A bushy almost tree like shrub with smooth needle like leaves. Branches tend to be sturdy yet flowing and blooms bright yellow flowers in cluster all along the branches.
Growth Location | Near small shrubbery
Affect(s) | Helps with eye injuries, large wounds
Apply | Chew flower and allow juice to trickle into eye, Chew flower into a paste-press into the wound gently yet firmly.     

Name | Desert Lime
Looks | Small slender spiny tree with narrow almost rubbery spear like leaves, produces small white flowers and fruits are a green or yellow
Growth Location | on short stocky grass typically grows in groups of 4 or more
Affect(s) | fights infection, dislodges ticks, calming
Apply | squeeze juice from the fruit either on infected area or on ticks, when the flower is eaten it calms cats.      

Name | Kangaroo Paws
Looks | A short plant with a dense number of long and slender leaves, flowers are tubular, brightly colored and fuzzy.
Growth Location | Grows in large clumps in open areas
Affect(s) | Soothes wounds, helps broken bones, wrenched claws
Apply | Chew leaves into a pulp    

Name | Kutjera (Bush tomato, Desert Raisin)
Looks | A semi-tall plant with grey-bronze leaves that grow dark purple-blue flowers, grows small pale yellow- red fruits
Growth Location | In loose soil (especially after rainfall)
Affect(s) | edible( Keeps hunger at bay), eases sore throat
Apply | The fruit can be dried and eaten if prey is scarce, chew on the leaves and let juice trickle down throat.    

Name | Lemon Myrtle
Looks | A short shrub with long thing hanging branches with soft green leaves, feathery flowers usually white or cream colored bloom in leaf-fall.
Growth Location | with Lemon Aspen or anywhere near water
Affect(s) | ease chills and fevers, cracked/sore pawpads
Apply | Orally, Chew leaves into a paste and apply to cracked pads

Name | Lemon Aspen
Looks | A rather bushy tree with green glossy leaves grows relatively tall, the fruit is snowy-white usually in four-five segments
Growth Location | grows typically with Lemon myrtle or anywhere near water
Affect(s) | Hydrating (if there is no water), painkiller
Apply | Chew on fruit or eat the white flesh, Chew on leaves allow and swallow juice (Do not swallow leaf-may be fatal)   

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