Chapter 4

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Friday rolled into Saturday, and after sitting in my dorm alone most of the day I was ready to hit the movies and socialize (limitedly). The triple feature of the night was Battle Royal, Oceans 8, and Hereditary to close things off with a good scare at 1:00 am. We debated Star Wars movies, argued video games, and talked about favorite cartoons before we filed into Oceans for our second showing of the night.

It was my second time seeing it, so I can't say I was terribly invested in the movie. It wasn't until after the movie that shit really hit the fan.

I was walking up and down the aisles looking for any trash left over after the show, as per my duties as a film host. Only found the usual really: a stray beer glass, few boxes of candy, nothing terribly exciting. I made massive strides up the unusually wide staircase on the right side of the theater towards the back exit to the lobby. After throwing out my garbage, I looked out the door to find one of the last people I wanted to see. Standing there before me was the same dark haired green eyed Tinder match from the bus yesterday, and I went into a panic. I rushed back into the theater mind buzzing. This could get really awkward really fast if I played these cards wrong. I went out the other door that led to the opposite end of the lobby, and hoping by the time I made my way back to the front he would be in his seat in the theater and we wouldn't even have to make eye contact.

As I rounded the corner and made my way to the host table, I couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh under my breath. Not only was he still standing out in the lobby, but he had a stack of tickets in his hand. Not only was he here to see a movie, he was a part of the WUD Film committee. Well fuck no avoiding this I guess.

I walked up to the group and started chatting. We were on the topic of superhero movies, and little did I know, that was only the beginning.

After conversation started to quiet down, he finally turned to me. The moment I've been dreading... here it comes...

"Hm. I'm going to guess your name is... Kimberly!"

Not the statement I was expecting.

"Nope. Wrong this time. Gamora," I responded

"Peter. Well, now that we're all introduced lets play a game. This is going to sound dumb but bear with me." He turned to Drax. "18?"


His finger fell upon a member who I later learned to be named Mantis, "21?"


He faced me, scanning my up and down as if he were sizing me up. "20?"

"Sorry bud, 19."

"Damn. But you have a size 8 shoe and are five foot seven."

"Alright now that's just straight up creepy."

"What can I say? It's a superpower."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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