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So I got one vote so yay!!! thank you, and thanks @MrsSalvatore123 for messaging me about my book, if it wasn't for you who knows when I would have updated. And thanks @Drop-dead-princess for your support. Ok here we go!

As John walked up to flat 221b he saw a mysterious black car roll up to the curb, a man opened the door to the back seat and john caught a glimpse of the dark leather interior and another big scary looking guy.

"Doctor John Hamish Watson?" The brute said in a deep voice

"Y-yes, I am he."

The ginormous man cleared his throat as if in preparation for a speech and took out a pice of paper from his coat pocket and began to read it aloud to John

"it is my great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to participate in the Great Chase as a flag, and that whomever it is your player is will have to participate in a metaphorical game of capture the flag to get you back. So please accompany Brutus and Greg into the car and we will escort you to my base. Thank you for your time."

And either Brutus or Dave grabbed John and brought a gag to his mouth.

The only thing john could think was Sherlock save me before he was shoved into the back seat.


Were is he? he should be back by now. Sherlock stood from his chair and began to pace the room. "John! where are you!" he yelled to the empty house.

Bang bang

Sherlock had picked up his gun and shot the wall twice. He paced some more and shot the gun some more for about an hour "damn it john!"

Sherlock needed some air.

He grabbed his coat and ran out the door to the park. Outside the wind was blowing, sherlock pulled his coat tighter around his body. He heard A screech of a car driving off. Sherlock whipped his head around to see a black car driving off with a john-like figure struggling in the backseat.


The car stopped about a block up the street. Sherlock ran over tho the car, trench coat flapping in the wind, heart pounding. the passenger window began to roll down and Sherlock could hear Johns muffled pleas for help.

"What have you done to him!" Sherlock was fuming.

Instead of getting a response a envelope was throw out the window. the car sped off once again and Sherlock was left there fist clenched shaking with fury. How dare they take away his John.

After a moment a woman came and picked up the envelope (obviously trying to seduce the detective) and handed it to him.

"Excuse me sir? I believe you dropped this." She said twirling her hair.

"No I did not drop it it was flung at me out of a car window, but I bet u know all about stuff being flung at you. Answer me this, does your husband know that you get paid for affairs with your coworkers? no?!" He put a hand to his chest in mock surprise. "well I will be sure to let him know" And with that he took off to the flat, envelope in hand.

What is wrong with me? John would be so disappointed with me for the way I treated that woman.

Sherlock didn't care about the woman's feelings, oh no he could care less about the helpful slut, what he did care about was the way john saw Sherlock. and Sherlock would do anything to keep that image a positive one.

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