Chapter 30 - Blue Mirror

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Hi my little chucks! Three chapters in one week and I hope my writing hasn't gotten worse for it!

Content Warning: There is a lot of sexual content in this chapter. Your mileage on it might vary, but just a head's up. 

If you'd like to read a G rated version of this chapter, please follow the link in the comment!

Have fun!


A buzz and a chime. Always a slave to my phone, I didn't hesitate to pull over to the curb again. Plus, I could do with a distraction before the inevitable confrontation at home. I almost wished my pants weren't so tight, coz it's impossible to pull anything out of my pocket when I'm seated. But beauty is pain, and I knew I looked good in these tailored chinos. After a bit of wriggling, my phone was free. It was Felicity!

"Hi Gurl!"

"Hiya, Romian. What are you up to?"

"Glad you asked, Fell. I could do with some confidence bolstering."

"OMG! Spill."

"I'm gonna come out to my parents."


"Seriously?" That was Deirdre's voice. "Sorry for butting in, but Felicity always calls in loudspeaker mode. This is a big step."

"And why do you care?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Gotta make sure you're not gonna do something stupid. You sure about this?

"Yeah. I think so."

"You're awesome!" cried Felicity' "You can do it! Hugs and kisses with a gummy bear on top."

"Yeah, I give you hell, but we got your back," said Deirdre. "Good luck."

"Thanks, guys." It means a lot, I said to myself.

"That's what friends are for." I could hear the reluctance in Deirdre's voice. "Ugh. I can't believe I said that."

"Aw, I love you!" I said in a sing song voice.

"Okay, that's it, support redacted." I could hear Deirdre stomping off.

"Oh gosh you two," said Felicity with a giggle. "We love you too. I'm sure your parents do to."

"I dunno about that. I sometimes feel like I'm a puppet in their little games."

"Oh no! I think every parent is concerned about their kid. Like my dad's a teddy bear, but even he gets clingy when time came for me to spread my wings and fly away into the blue, blue sky!"

"Didn't know you were a poet! I really don't know how my parents will react... they are usually hard on me coz they want me to grow up a certain way, but we've never really talked about... erm..."

"Sex and sexuality?"


"Why do people get all cringey and defensive when it comes to this topic? It's just simple facts and feelings."

"Never change, Fell. But I don't think my parent's are gonna be so casual as you!"

"Are you sure now's the time?"

"Better sooner than later."

"If your parents go ballistic, If you've got no place to go, if you're feeling down, you can always crash at our place."

"You're an angel."

"I prefer feisty wish granting dryad."

"That you are, Fell of the Dell."

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