Chapter 1|| Who?

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"Thank you for the map of the school!." I say smiling at the receptionist.

"You're welcome, Sierra." The receptionist says back handing me the map. "Unfortunately I've had to bring a do they call it Bad Boy to give you a tour" The receptionist says biting her lip.

"I'm sure I'll be fine!." I say trying not to panic.

"Come in, Hunter!." The receptionist shouts. Then in walks in a boy with tattoo sleeves and huge muscles.

"Damn. You never told me I had to give a tour to a model." Hunter says checking me out.

"Well I am a model?. I'm Sienna Jones?." I say looking up at Hunter frowning.

"Wanna hang out later?." Hunter says walking along the side of me.

"Are you trying to fucking use me?!." I spit and push him.

"No. I just thought because you're new I'd offer you some friends. Also ow, you pushed me?!." Hunter says folding his arms.

"Sorry... I should be used to getting used hurt." I say suddenly remembering my ex.

-In The Canteen-

"Why?... What happened?." Hunter says sitting down at a canteen table patting a seat by him.

"I had a boyfriend called Callum and well he was an alcoholic ad he would go to this other girls house and use me for things I didn't want to do." I say slamming my head on the table multiple times.

"Callum?." Hunter asks grabbing my hand

"Davis." I state.

"He comes to this school. So I have a plan!." Hunter says making me confused.

"What?!." I say

"Fake date?!. It would work!." Hunter says smiling proudly.

"I mean sure. But for how long. Also we just meet and people would find that weird." I say blushing and trying to hide it in my massive hoodie.

"Right. We can date for 6 Months. We say we met online and we are really close." Hunter says getting up after hearing the bell go.

"Alright." I say looking at the ground.

"LOOK!. ITS SIENNA JONES!." A girl shouts from the huge crowd.

"LET ME SEE!." A boy shouts.

"Stay back!. I'm her boyfriend and if ONE Of you lay a pinch of your oxygen on her you'll regret you ever set foot in this God Damn School!.. You'll also regret breathing." Hunter says causing me to roll my eyes.

"Miss. Sienna!. I'm Tanner, and I'm a model too. Undercover." Tanner says

"What model are you?.." I question.

"Tanner Palmer." Tanner says laughing.

"Ah. I have heard of you. I've also been to your photoshoots." I say then talking about how I was homeschooled in the mansion until I got drunk one night at home.

"Excuse you." Hunter says tapping Tanner on the shoulder.

"Touch me and you're meat." Tanner says pushing Hunters hand off his shoulder.

"Oh. Really?." Hunter says getting ready to beat the crap out of Tanner.

"You are all so childish!. I swear I'm going to die here." I snap and walk away feeling slightly proud of myself.

-After School-

"SIENNA, WAIT!. I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!." I hear someone scream towards me. I turn and face palm watching him fall over and cut his knee. It was Tanner. On the floor screaming like a Tiger had attacked him.

"Are you alright?." I say kneeling down and grabbing a bandage from my bag whilst telling him to lift up his now ruined RIPPED JEANS.

"I don't think so... Ah!. My knee is killing me." Tanner says clearly trying to grab my attention and expect me to  go all 'I'M SORRY TANNER POO!'. Breaking news. NOT gonna happen.

"Suck it up. Seriously its just a little graze." I say handing him and bandage.

"Question." Tanner says smiling.

"What?." I say helping him up.

"Is your body from Mc Donald's?." Tanner says smirking enjoying the views he's getting.

"WHAT!?". I screech.

"Coz I'm lovin' it". I then kick him where it hurts and slam him to the ground.

"IS THAT YOUR IDEA OF A PICK UP LINE?!". I say blushing but refusing to let Tanner see.

"If so its retarded because she's mine." I hear Hunter interrupt.

"HUNTER!." I scream

"If you'll both EXCUSE ME I'm going home." I say walking off in a strop.

I DON'T THINK I LIKE THIS CHAPTER... ANYWAYS SORRY IF THERE ARE SOME MISTAKES I CAN'T HELP IT!. Damn you, Autocorrect. Anyways I'm a bit sick 🤕.. OOF. Now to  go edit Twisted Lovers :). Bye xx!.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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