Chapter Two

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"We all gang up...AND KILL THOSE KIDNAPPING TRAINERS!" Glaceon exclaimed. Wespin was horrified. "But...but...THAT'S A TERRIBLE PLAN! THEY'RE OBVIOUSlY REALLY STRONG!" He exclaimed. Glaceon glared at him. "Well, what else can we do? Wait until we're ALL captured?" She snapped. "NO! WAIT!" A voice called, and Wespin turned to see his sister, Victini, who was really a Fennekin. Glaceon rolled her eyes. "What is it, genius?" She snapped.  Victini puffed out her fur proudly. "Well, since Wespin can talk to trainers...he can talk to them!" She exclaimed. "NO!" Wespin exclaimed. Victini glared at him. "Maybe you don't like it, but what will Bunnelby say? It's her choice that matters!" She said, and looked to Bunnelby. Bunnelby looked thoughtful. "Well...I guess we could give it a try..." She muttered. Wespin looked at the ground in disappointment. He had to talk to those trainers?

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