Chapter 1- Nice to meet you

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Another struggling day at work passed by and everything had gone downhill. I am a house designer at Design Inc. You think it's all fun and games until someone decides to not pay the bills and you have to negotiate with them.

Other reasons of this horrible day include having lost one of my pets to a dog fight and all my friendships braking apart. The things I try to focus on are my pets and my music that I listen to and learn to do. I do this because I know that it can make me happy, but today, it's just not working. Today us just one of those horrible days of the month.

To try and lift my spirits, I went to a bar nearby and started drinking. I had been 5 shots in on the bottle of vodka and it burned the hell out of my throat. To a certain degree, I could tell I was getting slightly drunk. As I kept drinking and drinking, I just felt sadder and sadder as time went on.

When I had finished my first bottle of strong vodka, I had asked the bartender for another. Tears in my eyes were blinding me because I thought of everything wrong, as I normally do. The bottle was handed to me, but I just stared at it. What am I doing?

"You might wanna slow down on that bottle a bit." A young man who had greeted me with such a warm smile and deep British accent sat next to me. I looked over at him and wiped my teary eyes to get a better look on the guy. He looked like someone I knew. Someone famous, too...

"I- I think I know who you are..." I slur.

"Lots of people do. But can I ask you something?"

My eyes were flooding agian and I couldn't see him anymore. Soon enough the tears rolled down my blood-red cheeks. "Uh, sure. I guess." I mumbled and rub my eyes.

"Why are you crying, hon?" He asked with such a soft tone.

"I'm okay. I will be anyways." I sniff.

"You're not okay. What's wrong?" He smiles.

'God,' I think, 'He's so damn adorable and he has dimples and I'm here crying in front of him.'

"Why do you care anyways? No one cares." I cry even more.

"I care. And if you met my buddies, they would care, too. Just please tell me what happened." He grins.

"Well, my job is falling apart and I lost some people in my life that meant a lot to me."

"Aww, hon," He says and rubs circles on my back, "Do you want me to take you home?"

"I'd like that, but I don't know where I live right now." I laugh half heartedly.

"Okay, I'll take you to my place along with my friends. We'll take care of you. I'm Sav by the way." He takes my hand and leads me to their car. "I'm uh, Lauren." "I love that name, Lauren." I smile and so does he. God my name sounds so good coming out of his mouth. Four other guys piled into the car. I didn't know who they were, but I knew Sav, who was sitting next to me in the back seat.

We arrived at this apartment a few miles down the road from the bar. All six of us walked in and the apartment was full of guitars and booze. My mind spring out an idea as we all settled in. "Uh, Sav?" I ask.

"Yes?" He smirks while he plucks strings on his bass.

"I think I know who you guys are now... Aren't you guys Def Leppard?" My heart started pounding as fast as a wild dog who ran through the woods. What if I'm right? I made a horrible first impression.

"Well, sweetie. We are." They all laugh.

OMFG. I can't believe I'm in the same room as Def Leppard!! I can feel my face becoming red hot. And I just remembered that Sav is my crush and Def Leppard is my favourite band.

"Oh my- I can't believe I'm in the same room as you guys! You guys have no idea how big of a fan I am!!" I smile majorly.

"Well, we just wanted to say that we love our fans." Joe, a tall blonde states. All the guys smile at me and greet me.

"I'm really sorry about this, guys. I made a horrible first impression." I scoff.

"No, it's ok. But I have to say you are the first girl that we've found at that bar." Steve laughs.

"Wait. Why?" I ask. "Well, it's an all guy bar if you couldn't tell." Rick states with laughter.

"Oh. That makes a lot of sense." I smile.

"Well, it's getting late. I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight lads," Steve says, "Nice to meet you, Lauren."

"Goodnight." Everyone says in unison. Joe, Rick, and Pete follow Steve to go to bed.

"If you ever need me, I'll be in the room to the left down the hall." Sav smiles. I nod and lay my body on the couch, while Sav hands me a pillow and a blanket for me to cover myself.

"Goodnight." He smiles. I smile and allow my eyes to flutter shut.

You Care, Don't You?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora