Chapter 3: Not so Batty

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Kinda tired of saying the owner of the arts so just whatever's on there is NOT mine.

Wonder Woman's POV

Having to punch one of my teammates in the face isn't my style...but I had to admit, it was slightly enjoyable. As much as it was, I left a pretty bad bruise on Batman's face. It covered half of his right cheek and the purple seemed to get more vivid as time went by.

"Diana?" It was Clark, " he doing alright?" he asked. After our huge fight, Superman was the first to hear of all of it. The rest of the team was worried as well but Clark insisted that nothing was to worry about. Everyone was assigned jobs of the headquarters and each day, a couple of us switched off to rest on earth.

"He's doing alright, Cal." I replied as I looked up at him.

"You think it's alright if you covered my shift tonight? If it's too much of a nuisance, I can do it."

Superman shook his head. "No, no, I don't mind." He looked at Batman then me, "Besides, I think it's good your watching over him." He smirked. I blushed a light pink.

"I-it's not-, I stumbled. But before I could say anything, he left. What was he thinking? Me and Batty over here are...No, never. I looked back at Batman. He was lying down with a heart monitor connect to his right hand. I was sitting on the bed right next to him. He was still in the same dark black bat suit like the last time. I landed my gaze on his face...then to his mask.

A...peek wouldn't hurt right?

No! That's an invasion of privacy. He has a reason. But I just couldn't help but wonder what he was hiding under that mask. I grazed my hand against his injured cheek.

"I'm so sorry I had to do this to you." I whispered. Then my hand suddenly ended up on his mask. I-I can't. As I was going to pull my hand away, a hand gripped my wrist, hard.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

Batman's eyes were shot open and dead staring at me. His upper body was up and standing while his hand firmly gripping onto mine.

"What do you think you're doing?" He said. I ripped my hand out of his grip and looked him in the eye. "Seeing if half of you're face is not completely purple." I said punctuated while rubbing my wrist. His eyes narrowed. It was just silent staring for what felt like hours. Then his gaze went to my left shoulder, all bandaged up from the fight.

"What...happened to your arm?" He said, "Or...what happened when I was in the control room?"

Control room? What happened in the control room?

"Batman...what happened in the control room?" I asked. He looked confused, more calmer than a few minutes before. "I remember  going into the room to do some final checks on the generators for each floor. Then, being darkness." He explained. My eyes slightly widened. He must have noticed because he immediately turned to me. "Do you remember being out of control?" I asked. He didn't respond. "Do you remember though you were controlled by another...being?" That clicked something in him.


I panicked. No it couldn't be. people locked him away centuries ago. My whole body turned ice cold, shivering with every wave of chill. I turned away from Batman. Not wanting him to see my reaction. "You know him?" He asked. I snapped out of my state and turned to him.

"I...I have to go." I stood up to leave the room. But as I was walking almost to the door, everything seemed to go dizzy. I stood still for a few seconds trying to balance myself then tried to walk but stumbled to my left.

"Hey. Are you alright?" He asked, clearly knowing something was wrong.

I grabbed my shoulder as I winced in pain. I felt a wet drip go down my left arm. I looked at my shoulder. The bandage was soaked in thick crimson blood, drips of it rolling down my arm and onto the floor. I looked at my hand as I saw the blood staining my pale fingers. I turned to Batman.

"I-I...think I'm...- my voice trailed off as I slowly lost my ability to stand. My legs buckled to the floor and my eyelids started to get heavy.

All I heard as I passed out, was Batman's footsteps and him calling my name.

Next Day

As the sun rose up, my eyes flickered open to see the blinding sunrise.

"Ughh." I moaned. As if I was a child before school, I pulled the blanket over my head to block the deadly rays.


I bit my lip from saying anything further. The pain in my shoulder was 10 times as prominent as it was yesterday and I couldn't stand it. I removed the covers and lifted my torso up onto the pillow. To my surprise, I saw Batman in the corner dozing off.

Did he watch over me?

I guffawed. What a silly man. I sighed as I looked out onto the horizon and took in the beautiful sight. As blinding as it was, the sun gave the most beautiful luminescent glow to earth. It was almost breathtaking.

"Enjoy the view?"

I spiked my head to his direction. "Well good morning, Mr.Batman." I smiled. He seemed to be getting more serious as he stood up from his chair. He stood next to my bed and looked at my shoulder.

"Is it alright?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yes, thank you for bandaging me up."

He nodded. "If it's not too soon, can you tell me how you got this wound?" I thought for a moment. It felt sort of...awkward telling him what happened. Since...he was the one who did it. But eventually I just nodded and explained what happened.

Surprisingly, his facial expressions were really unreadable but I could see at times that he did feel guilt.

"My apologies for what happened." he said. I looked him in the eye.

"Thank you but it wasn't your doing." I said. He nodded understandably.

But exactly...who's?

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