Broken Reality Monster Rex Chapter 1!

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Broken Reality Monster Rex
Chapter 1
Created June 16 2019
Created By The Warrior Mind Drifter

M Rex- (In the middle of an everlasting war a
man seeks to find balance and peace. In the
middle of action and the heat of war full of
explosives and flying body parts one man
lives seeking balance and peace.
I put my guns down to the side to reload)

Monster Rex- ( Laughter) Everyday you fight
against me and everyday I grow stronger.
You will be a part of me. You are a part
of me. You will become me. I am the
peace you seek for only by becoming
me shall you gain peace.

M Rex- I am never going to become you!

Monster Rex- You already are me. Do you
not remember your past? Do you not
remember what you did? It was that
moment that you gave in and decided
who you truly are.

M Rex- ( Gets done reloading the guns
and takes more fire at Monster Rex.
Monster Rex worries not as he is placed
behind his coverage) I am going to end you.
I am your end!

Monster Rex- You are not truly my end but
only my true beginning. It is not me that
will destroy your world but you. I however
am only going to make sure it happens.

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