Broken Reality Monster Rex Chapter 2!

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Broken Reality Monster Rex
Chapter 2
Created June 16 2019
Created By The Warrior Mind Drifter

Hara- You still having those nightmares.
It appears you can actually sleep so
you may not be a full warrior yet.
I haven't slept in forever and a day.

M Rex- Hmmm... Then perhaps what
he says may have some truth to it.
You say I may not be a full warrior
which means there really is time
for me to become a monster.
My past perhaps still can come
true yet again.

Hara- Don't freak out on me. Keep your cool it's nothing to
worry about. Getting stuck In worry will make your nightmare
come true faster than you think. You're not a monster
yet though you do seem rather sick. I think you're going
to be good though for its better to look like a monster
than to be one. I still turn to the burning man every now
and then.

M Rex- That is how I want this to end rather
than the other way. I can take looking like
It but being it I want no part of it. I seen
that power with my own eyes felt it with
my own hands and it wasn't good.

Hara- It never is. Know that if you fail
to become a warrior I will destroy you.
You will be sent to the monster lab
where you will be deleted. I do have
to handle my responsibilities.

M Rex- Do you think you can defeat
me saying that I did eventually
become a monster?

Hara- Warrior confidence says I
can destroy anything thrown
at me no matter what it is.
I however remain silent and
let experience prove itself.

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