Partied A Little Too Hard...

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'this takes place after the entire show. Gon and Ging now are living with Mito. Killuas family lives with Alluka now and accepts her. Leorio and Kurapika are engaged, and they are all visiting Gon for Christmas and New Years with most of the people that are seen in the show including Hisoka, Bisky, Ikalgo, and many more to fill Mitos house up.'

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1," we all chanted in harmony.

"Happy New Year!"

It was a full house of guests over at Mitos. I looked over to see Leorio giving Kurapika a small kiss on his forehead. I smiled, and turned over to look at everyone else. Everyone was either hugging or eating something.

"Gon!" yelled Killua over all of the people talking.
I looked over to him and waved. He waved back from across the room, then squeezed in between Ging and Illumi who were talking.

"I'm getting a headache. Do you want to step out side with me?" he asked. I nodded, and we squeezed in between lots of people in the crowded room to get to the door. A few people turned their heads, but went back to chatting in an instant.

I opened the door for Killua as he slipped on his slippers I got him for Christmas a few days ago. He smiled and gave me a nod, then we walked out.

The cold air felt nice on the back of my neck.

"Let's go sit over there where there's no snow." Killua said, and he ran over to a large tree that we could sit under. I quickly followed, and sat down next to him.

We sat there, looking at the bright and shining stars above us for a few minutes in complete silence. It seemed as if there was never a party going on in the house near us.

"I could sit like this forever and never get tired of the view." said Killua quietly as a shooting star passed over our heads.

"It would be nice to stay like this. The quiet. The bright stars. And, it would be better if we were together like this, right Killua." I said. He turned over to look at me and I smiled. He blushed, and turned around so I couldn't see his tinted face.

"Aye! Gon! You're embarrassing me!" he yelled. "Baka!". I chuckled, and looked up at the stars again. I felt him look at me, but I too was embarrassed from my actions.

"Hey! Killua! Gon! Mito wants you guys to go to bed! It's already one!" yelled Leorio from the house. I looked down at my watch and jumped up.

"Come on Killua! We have to go! It's really late!" I yelled and I ran, knowing Killua was close behind me.

"Mito was worried you two were having your own party, if you know what I mean." Leorio said, giving us a few winks. Kurapika jabbed Leorio side with his elbow, but smiled at us.

"Mito said you two have to sleep in the same room tonight, and that all of the extra beds are taken, so Gon, she wants you to sleep on the floor and let Killua sleep in your bed." he said. I looked over at Killua and he was grinning at me.

"Don't worry. We can sleep together!" I said. Leorio started to laugh, and Kurapika elbowed him again, making him shut up immediately. I didn't know what was going on, so I just sat there, smiling.

"Boys! All four of you! Get to bed! I don't want you to wake up the other guests!" said Mito as she walked over to where we were standing.

I nodded and gave Mito a goodnight hug before we all walked upstairs.

Leorio and Kurapika turned into the first bedroom, while me and Killua walked a little further down the hall to my room.

I jumped into bed, patting down next to me on the empty spot for Killua.

He slightly blushed, and walked over slowly.

I quickly got under the covers and said goodnight to Killua. He nodded to me, and I turned away looking out the window right in front of me.

I fell fast asleep in the blink of an eye.

I opened my eyes as I fell off the bed.

"How did I get over here?!" I said, immediately peeking up from the ground up to the bed.

"Killua!" I yelled as I noticed something strange.

As the boy that looked like me turned over, his eyes got wider.

"What's happening? Who are you? How did I get over here?!" yelled the boy. It surely didn't look like Killua, but as I finally noticed, Mito had busted into my room.

"Killua! Why did you yell your own name?" she said, trying not to wake the people sleeping in the other rooms. She was staring at me.

"B-but i'm not Killua..." I said quietly. She had a puzzled look on her face.

"Gon? What happened with Killua?" asked Mito.

The impostor looked at Mito with confused eyes and said, "But i'm Killua!", pointing to himself.

Me and Killua looked at eachother for a few minuets while Mito slowly slipped out of my room.

"Wait. So you're Gon?" asked Killua after a few minuets of starting at eachother.

I nodded. "And you're Killua." I said. I didn't sound like myself. I quickly jumped up and ran over to the mirror, Killua following.

Right as I looked into the blue, sharp eyes that were looking back at me through the mirror, I knew.

"We switched bodies!!" I yelled. I heard Mitos footsteps rapidly running back up to my room, so we ran over to my window, quickly opening it and jumping out.

Mito was yelling something from the open window, but I couldn't listen as I examined Killua's muscles up close for once. And all I had to say was he was ripped. A six pack make his stomach feel like iron. His biceps make my arms tired from all the muscle weight. The quads felt nice and new.

"So, Gon." Killua said, looking at me. I ran over and started into what were my eyes.

"W-w-what a-are you d-doing in my f-face baka?!" yelled Killua and jumped back.

"I was looking at my eyes! They're so sparkly!" I yelled, jumping into the air. Killua was blushing.

I looked down at my feet, and I noticed a bulge in what were now my pants.

"Woah! You're huge!" I yelled. Killua quickly ran over, his hands out.

"Stop it!! You're embarrassing me!" he yelled.

I smiled.

"So.. What now?" asked Killua. He looked down at what used to be my arms, and then the legs.

"How do we go back?" I asked. Killua looked up at me with a flame in his eyes.

"How the hell am I supposed to know!" he yelled. I turned away, making sure none of the spit that was coming out of his mouth went into my face.

"Should we even tell anyone what happened?" I asked. Killua gave me a mad face and turned away to think for a second.

"Well, we should definitely tell Kurapika. He may have a way to switch back. Maybe we tell Ging because he's encountered lots of weird things while he was out on his journeys." said Killua, looking back at me.

I nodded, giving Killua a smile.

"Let's go figure out what ever the hell is happening."

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