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In downtown Chicago at 4 am, a group of 6 thugs approach a college student returning home from a party.  The 6 men surround the student, one armed with with a .38 and a baseball bat, one thug speaks up, "Hey kid, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, whichever way you choose we get your shit regardless. Choose." The student begins sweating and panicking as the gun is pointed at his heart, "I ain't got shit on me, can we just cool it and go on with our night?" The thugs look around and one of them grips the bat tighter, "The Bag. Drop it, or you're gonna die." The student puts his hands up, choking on his tears, the gunman smirked, reaching for the bag yanking it from the kids hand. A web descends from the sky and attaches to 2 or the thugs back, whisking them up into the air and subduing them silently. As he crouches down, the gunman rummages through the bag, the student notices the disappearance of some of the thugs. He looks in shock and starts smirking hands still in the air, "actually i don't think you getting shit off me tonight." The gunman looks up from the bag, ascending from his crouched position and laughs putting the weapon to the kid's forehead saying, "you talk so much shit for an easy lick." The boy's heart sinks, sweat running down his face and falling off his chin, as he makes eye contact with the other 3 assailants who grimace at him and smile deviantly. A figure comes from a tree and webs up the mouths of the other assailants, wrapping webs around their ankles then dragging them into trees, knocking them out. The thug then zips up the bag saying, "Thanks for the laptop and everything else I liked in your bag kid, much appreciated." then, using all the courage he could muster the student speaks up and says, "was it worth it?" in reply the thug says, "with your fat ass wallet of course it—" before he could finish, his shoulder was tapped on. "Hmmmm, I was watching this whole altercation from the tree your 5 friends are hanging from right now and I don't think any of that belongs to you." A masked man appeared wearing a black, blue, and red suit, a symbol of a spider sitting in the middle of his chest. The thug eyes light up in fear, "holy shit, Spider-Man...." Spider-Man replied, "Yeah that's me, you follow me on Twitter or have I kicked the ass of someone close to you in the past 4 years?" The thug grabs his gun and fires it towards Spider-Man who dodges the bullet and proceeds to disarm him with a web, "firstly, the only reason I let you fire that was so that some one would hear the gunshots and call the police department and they can come get you and all your dumbass friends and secondly, i haven't dodged a life threatening attack in about a week so I'm glad you were willing to take that chance." The student watches in awe and excitement, "bro you're just as funny as your tweets!" The thug nods reluctantly in agreement and begins to back away but before he could realize, Spider-Man kicks in the jaw and webs him to the ground. He put his thumbs up and said, "Consistency is key brother! But lemme help you up." grabbing the student by the arm he helps him up, also dusting off the boy's shoulder and picking his bag back up. "Here you go! Don't try to get robbed next time and stop walkin outside at this time of day. We got Uber's, Lyft's, and Cab's big fella. Just choose the cheapest." He swung onto a tree and then yelled, "REMEMBER DO NOT GET ROBBED....AGAIN!" He began to swings onto the trees then onto buildings. He runs up the side of a complex and jumps onto the roof, running across the roof he then leaps onto a glass building and runs up it until he reaches the top. He perches himself on the ledge and looks over the city he protects, "Damn I remember when I first got the balls to run up this building...feels like yesterday to be honest." Looking across the city he smiles and began to reminisce, staring at the lights of buildings and cars. He jumps off the top of the building and begins to free fall, "I love Chicago."

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