Chapter 1

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As he falls he begins to look back on his last 3 years of high school and how bizarre it was. "Feels like it was just yesterday when I was getting ready for my first day of school." He closed his eyes and began to remember.

(3 years ago)

It was the first day of school so he began to get dressed, his mother yelled and said, "DON'T FORGET TO DRESS NICELY!" He rolled his eyes and spoke, "THEY HAVE A DRESS CODE, I CANT LOOK ANY BETTER THAN THIS MA!" Picking up his backpack he ran downstairs and waited for his mother to drive him to school. She grabbed her keys and they both got into the car, she reversed it then put the car in drive. They drove out of Englewood and onto the highway, she was listening to a R&B music station driving towards the south suburbs. Eli had applied to a catholic college preparatory school in Chicago Heights and got in with flying colors on the entrance exam. He was one of only 3 freshman to get an A+ on the exam, to which all 3 would take AP Chemistry and Engineering 4. As they got closer to the school his mother speaks up, "You know you gotta listen now, don't do nothing stupid. Your daddy and I worked very hard to raise the money for you to even take the exam let alone get you into that damn school. If you get more than 3 detentions imma beat yo ass, and pull you out the school. You're a black male and you're more susceptible to being called out, so stay low and get your 5.0 so you can graduate." He nodded his head and smiled, "If I get a 4.99 I hope you'll still love me." The 2 of them laughed as they pulled into the school parking lot, he got out gave his mother a Kiss and they exchanged, "I love you ma!" And she returned the favor, "Love you too kid" as she drove away. He walked into the school and looked around seeing all the children from freshman to seniors talking. "The time is now 7:40 classes start in 5 minutes, get to class." a voice appeared from behind him to reveal a stern old lady, "yes I'm talking to you freshman get along and get here earlier." He looked at her and grabbed his schedule, anger ran through his veins but the thought of getting his ass beat made him hold his tongue. He looked around and tried to find his first period class which was AP United States History, he went through C hall to find it and once he walked in the bell rang. To his surprise and annoyance that old hag was his teacher, he sighed and found a seat. She stared at him and before she blinked she yelled, "DIDN'T I TELL YO FRESHMAN SELF TO BE TO CLASS ON TIME?!?! YOU SHOWED UP AT EXACTLY 7:44:59 AND YOU THINK YOU'RE SLICK BUT YOU'RE NOT. ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO SAY?" He sat down and didn't say a word, he started to go through his bag and grabbed a notebook. She walked up to his desk and got in his face, "DO YOU HAVE COTTON IN YOUR EARS OR ARE YOU TRYING TO DISRESPECT ME?" He responded, "Not at all ma'am, not trying to cause any problems this morning." She gave an appalled look and became even more irate, "YOU KNOW WHAT? I'VE HAD IT UP TO HEAR WITH THE DISRESPECT, I TEACH JUNIORS AND SENIORS AND THE FIRST TIME I TEACH A FRESHMAN I GET ALL THIS ATTITUDE! WELL HELL NO, NOT ME! I'VE BEEN TEACHING 40 YEARS AND YOU WILL NOT EVER DISRESPECT MRS. REGGAE! TAKE YOUR ASS TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW!" He blinked several times in confusion and thought to himself, 'This old white bitch crazy, but my momma crazier so imma get my ass up' he stood up and nodded grabbed his bag and said, "yes ma'am" and left the classroom. She turned to the class and adjusted her blouse, "Ok class, now that the child is gone for the day let's get to work." As soon as she finished her sentence a girl broke out in laughter, and the whole class followed. Mrs. Reggae sighed and took a seat, that was all she could do. As Eli walked to the office he bumped into a girl who dropped her books, she scowled at him and said, "Did you really bump into me and did I really drop my books like in the movies? Wild." He laughed and said, "If you're looking at it that way, I'm guessing so" he assisted her in picking up her stuff and as soon as he did she walked away. His eyes opened wide and then he said to himself, "That's tough." He walked into the office and the principal phoned him in, he had a talk with the principal about the incident and didn't get into too much trouble. The talk lasted an hour but Eli only wanted to hear 8 golden words, "and I will not be calling your mother." Eli rejoiced as if he won the lottery, the principal looked confused but understood. "Did you understand the whole conversation?" Eli replied, "I sure do!" The principal responded, "Then you're free to go, here's a pass to your third period class, yes you have 10 until the passing period but we're not taking any chances so here you go" he handed Eli the pass and shook his hand. "Have a nice day sir." He walked out the office and went to wait outside his third period class and took a big sigh, "Already targeting me, like damn they waste no time." He leaned against the wall and as the bell rung he waited for the other students to leave so that he could get into the room and take his seat. He began to reflect while waiting for class to start, he thought about how he missed 2nd period English AP and after 3rd period Physics, he had went to Trigonometry, then Theology and after that he went to lunch. At lunch he sat by himself and finished his homework for his other classes and left early to get to Chemistry AP, as he walked through the hallways he saw the girl he ran into going to the same class as he was. "Well fuck, lets see if she actually says thank you this time." He walked in and tapped her on the shoulder, "how're your books? They looking ok or did you take them to the nurse?" She smirked and said, "Nah, they just healed themselves, like Wolverine or something." he gave her a puzzled look and said, "You interested in superheroes and stuff?" She looked at him and said, "Yes I am, but they're boring cuz shit hardly hits the fan anymore." She shrugged and laughed. He nodded in agreement, "Well I'm glad we're in peaceful times for the most part, last big event was when those robots began to take over the world." She then looked him up and down, "Yeah...yeah...but it's ok now, i think it is at least. The Avengers are pretty cool but the X-Men are better." He laughed, "Like hell they are but to each their own." She turned away and grabbed her bag, "You must be anti-mutant, terrible." He walked passed her and took a seat, "I can't be anti anything I'm black and secondly I prefer Captain America over I said to each their own." The bell rung and a boy ran into class and jumped onto a desk, "Hope I ain't too late..." he looked around and saw there was no teacher and wiped his sweat from his brow, "hah guess I'm not, being me is too easy." The whole class turned around and stared at the new kid, he smiled and bowed, "I love the attention but turn around you're making me blush, even though you probably can't see it." He jumped off the desk and took a seat between Eli and the other girl, he turned to them and said, "what's y'all name?" Eli spoke up first, "My name is Elijah Eliot, you can call me Eli, that's all I respond to and that's all I like." The boy smirked and said, "I am the ever so pleasant, Kenneth Livingston but just call me Ken cuz that's what I said." Eli nodded and looked towards the girl who was too busy drawing superhero's, he tapped her shoulder and she replied, "Cleo." And continued to draw. Following that the teacher walked in, "Sorry I'm late kids but I had to print some packets for tonight's homework, please quiet down. Tonight's packet is worth 100 points, and is 10 pages long, due by tomorrow." The class looked shocked, a boy even pissed his pants, the teacher looked around and laughed, "I'm just fucking with you, these are coloring sheets due tomorrow for extra credit, I'm not teaching today because I don't feel like it. Happy first day seniors...and my 3 little freshman babies." Then she said, "I want everyone to make groups of 3 and my freshman are in the group with each other, just so they can be comfortable." Cleo spoke up, "why the hell did you give everyone else a chance to pick but us?" The teacher laughed and sat at her desk putting her feet up, "I can't be too nice." After that period the three spoke and walked to their final period together. The seating chart sat them apart from each other, Cleo actually loved that idea and smiled the whole class period. All Eli and Ken could say was, "Damn, that's tough." And their engineering teacher said, "Basically." Once the school day was over Cleo basically disappeared and Eli and Ken walked together. The 2 began to get along and made plans to study together at Ken's house Friday after school, then when Ken's mother arrived she pulled up in a Bentley Continental GT. Ken got into the car and waved goodbye to his friend, and Eli smiled and got into his moms car. She looked at him and said, "Did yo ass get in trouble?" He shook his head and said, "Nah, they just asked me for my license and registration but didn't shoot." She smacked him on the back of the head, "Smart ass" she replied and drove off. He informed her on the friend he made and the girl who was more of a Character than an actual person. She laughed and began to talk about her day at work and as they got onto the highway she let him play his music. He laughed and plugged in his aux cord, then "Alright" by Kendrick Lamar began to play and they started to rap along to the song, smiling and having fun.

End of Chapter 1.

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