The AU Family

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Well, this is going to be a collection of things that me and my... I guess "AU Family" could be the term. My family... But not. Cuz... they're not my family cuz I mean an Alternate Universe... whatever. You know what I mean. Lol.

Let's start off with me. Hi, I'm Rachel. (And I guess in the terms of this story my last name would be Hughes, but it isn't in real life so whatever.)

And my AU Family is as follows.

I have an older brother named Hunter Hughes (Dookie lol), and two of my cousins are Morgan Want and Jared Knak... Kn... Bau... let's just say ProJared. XD.

My brother and I are both friends with Nate Smith, and we met PBG from Jared. I am also close friends with people that're here on Wattpad such as @cutelilscrafty, @SkippyTheMudkip, @AruKanra, and more that I'm just to lazy to name. There is probably more people in my "family" too, but I forget and I'm tired sooooo yeah, that's all I really am gonna say at the moment. And, look forward to some crazy shiz.


PS: I kinda got inspiration for this from @theAUCrew themselves, and a few other ramdomish stories with YouTubers, so... Yeah?

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