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A sense of déjà vu as i come too. I look around, the surroundings sinking into my core.

It was a basement, but not an ordinary one. It had no windows and was built of complete stone except for the door up the stairs and the door across from me. The door in front of didn't have any light coming from it, so I could only guess it was a closet.

My mouth was wrapped with a tight cloth, which was also tied to the pole that my hands were tied behind. Not to compliment my kidnapper, but he can tie a damn knot. The way I was sitting, my ankles were tied to the pole so I had to sit with my legs spread and my ankles behind me.

This is terrible.

I hear some noises, sounding like locks clicking. Then a door swing open. And lastly, it shutting and the sounds of different keys twisting in the locks. He then whistles as he comes down the stairs with a broad smile on his face and a cup of coffee in his hand. He sets it on a table I can't see the top of that's beside me.

"I'm so fucking proud to see your face down here. You're a hard lady to find, it's good for you that you're an extreme recluse and have no family left." I glare at him heavily from the mention of my family. "Well it's not like you needed your family anyway, that father of yours was an evil, evil man, with a nasty habit of heroin." Shock riddles my face from hearing him say such things with a smirk on his face.

"Oh I see you didn't know of his terrible habit. Well yes, he was a heroine addict. That's actually why you're here. See you think your parents had died of a house fire" he stands in front of me with a smirk on his face, looking proud that he's tearing my whole life down in front of me "well darling, I've got news for you." He wiggles his finger in front of my face and bops my nose with it when he says you. He then stands straight and grabs the cup of coffee in his hand.

"I murdered them." He says nonchalantly, taking a small sip. " and it's his fault." He acts like he trips, the hot, black coffee spilling all over me. I scream through the cloth in my mouth, feeling the burning pain all over my skin. He giggles out an oops, still smirking.

"You wanna know why they were killed?" He asks setting the cup down again. "Because your little daddy promised me something he wasn't willing to pay up." He points at me, with one of his eyes closed and that fucking smirk on his face."and That's where you come in" he drags a chair from somewhere in the room that I can't see, sitting it in front of me.

"He sold me you, darling. You're mine. And when it came down to trading back what he owed me, well you weren't there. So I got paid in other means. But god, I still had to have you, you'd make my perfect little doll."he smiles at me with evil in his eyes, burning me with the emptiness in his eyes.

"I tracked you down during your fostering time, up until you ran away to my perfect setting, New York. I have links here that could make it seem like you were never born. And I found" he pinches my cheek"my perfect porcelain doll." I wince, the skin still raw from the scalding coffee. My mind races with the information given. He fucking sold me for drugs, what kind of human does that. This is wrong, it's so wrong. I've never felt so unloved in my life

"Oh darling it's saddening, I know. But I love you, doll. I have since you were younger."

Fuckin' creepy ass motherfucker. I glare at him with fire in my eyes, angered and hurt.

"Oh, how pitiful. All you have left is a little glare. That's just so sad." He smirks evilly. "Maybe you need a bit of a rest so you can take in all this tragic information, hm?" He takes to the table once more, grabbing a rather large needle.

My eyes widen and I shake my head, trying to yell out protests but only coming out as scared noises. He giggles quietly, bending down and grabbing my arm twisting it painfully to get a good view of it. He feels around for a bit, finding my vein but I make it as hard as possible, moving my arm he glares at me, sending shivers down my spine as I still. He then smirks, still glaring slightly but not as bad as before. He finds the vein and suddenly shoves the needle in roughly. I whimper, scared to make any loud noises.

He smiles at me.

"Nighty night, my doll." He pulls it out, then kisses my forehead. Setting down the needle he leaves the room with a loud creak from the large door, followed by the locks being tampered with.

I start to feel dizzy, my vision wavering. Then I black out completely, my mind numbing and my body falling into a deep sleep.

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