fuck off kara stop eating my weed brownies

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kagarin-chan wanted the fresh air to breathe so he decided to go to his local macy's, not to buy clothes but to just talk to every married women that's extremely concerned with his personal life only for them to run away when he tries to vore their male child. he was exhausted because of all the uncontrollable sex he had with sora the night before. damn. damn fuck. m is such a nice letter.

about a total of 6 women ran away from him not excluding one that smashed his head with a waffle iron. kanade was also there testing the perfume but she was actually eating it because she's a psychopath. yuri approached her like "hey that perfume smells good on you kanade dear" and the girl smashed the bottle onto his face. now he got injured 3 times in one day, from getting hit with a waffle iron, a perfume bottle, and his asshole being destroyed by sora after he let her top him. worst decision ever but worth it.

kanade then went to go find hibiki again so that she can smother her in 5 gallons of perfume that smells like raw meat without her consent. yuri from ddlc noticed how alone he was and that no woman wanted to talk with him. so he was like "whatever." but sora baby appeared out of nowhere with a jar in her hand. she was also incredibly sleep deprived as well because of how her vagina was not functioning correctly all over yuri's kidney destroyer dick. russian kaito ran over to her and greeted her like a horny person because that's him. "hey sora baby is that jar of mayonnaise in your hand a symbolism for female sperm"

"why the fuck am i married to you" sora answered and shoved the jar into his deformed hands. "please don't kill anyone while i'm gone i need to actually do some shopping"

"ok can i deepthroat this" yuri asked and sora gave him the face of that one sprite she has where she's like "i still don't understand what's going on in my life and i'm looking in the direction of my left but god won't answer me"

"i mean yeah sure, but don't do it in front of me i've had enough of your weird kinks for this week" and then she went on the escalator and didn't bother facing yuri again, who was probably making kaoru seta poses at her. (my gf suggested to include the kaoru poses in this fanfiction because she's a stupid lesbian)

"since sora's not here who am i going to deepthroat this in front of" suddenly, hajime magically fell from the ceiling but nobody else in the store noticed even with the great amount of damage done to his body and the ceiling itself. "i'll watch you senpai uwu" no what the h*ck hajime would never say that i'm literally crying and shaking this can't be real please tell me this isn't real

"EW go away degenerate male stop being so fucking gay and horny i have a wife" yuri said with a tenko voice because she's his inner demon possessing him with an extreme amount of men hatred. "FINE I'LL JUST HAVE A THREESOME WITH NIKKEI AND SHINJI BY MYSELF AND YOU'RE NOT INVITED!" the hunk stormed off out of the store and yuri really didn't give a shit about his sex life so he completely ignored what he said.

in a surprising twist, hibiki jumped from the hole in the ceiling without breaking any of her bones miraculously, singing "hit or miss, i guess she took the kids, huh?" leaving yuri really confused but weirdly intrigued. "you have such an amazing singing voice hibiki" yuri complemented. "its a meme you doorknob don't russian people know anything about that" she tsundered because that's all she does to anyone but especially yuri and kanade because they torture her every single day. "yes but your voice is still amazing"

"yeah and i bet my raw meat perfume smells great on me too" kanade was starting a massacre in the background but let's not mention that. "really does too, kanade threw some at my head and i currently have 26 bruises i've gotten today from women. i think i also have nasal congestion so could you please take me to the hospital" yuri cried for help desperately, but the only thing hibiki would really do that was useful for once is have a bit of herself die inside.

"want to watch me deepthroat a jar of mayonnaise" nagito komaeda from sdra2 asked. "yuri...................." hibiki realized the 40 corpses by her and looked back up at yuri and his jar of cum. was it cum? is yuri actually this horny in canon? did sora die? will i ever get mental help and personally apologize to my girlfriend for writing this fanfiction before she cuts off my tits? find out next time on dragonball z

no wait'

kanade somersaulted to them covered in blood and animal meat and she was like "hey guys what's up i totally didn't start a genocide here" hibiki was like "kanade please save me yuri's going to deepthroat a bottle of sperm how do i prevent him from doing that please i will die"

"lol just let him do it sis that's pretty sexy and you're just denying it" kanade walked over to yuri's face and said "you're a twink"

"what's a twink" yuri asked like an innocent shota (wait fuck my backspace isn't working guys what do i do i'm farding and shidding everywhere no) "you don't need to know that just do it already" kanade encouraged him while hibiki was screaming in the background as her worst nightmares consumed her. "NO SIS WHAT ARE YOU DOING WHAT THE HECK" kanade turned rat gremlin and screamed back "CENSOR THAT IT'S A BAD FUCKING WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

yuri didn't hear hibiki's yell and started sucking all of the mayonnaise in the jar, while moaning like he's in a weird hentai video. hibiki curled up in a ball while covering her ears, all of the victim's blood soaking into her nico yazawa cosplay outfit (and yes, she was dressed in the hit or miss clothes, don't @ me on that). i don't know what's happening what have my cursed hands done. sora was coming down the escalator and she didn't expect to be looking at whatever the fuck this was.

"i was gone for 10 minutes" sora started losing every part of her personality and the akane in her mind was like "hey i'm gonna piss on the dead people watch me utsuro wait where's utsuro. utsuro no." trying to reclaim her sanity, she walked up to yuri and told him "why are you eating that it's hajime's cum"

"WHAT THE HECK" yuri then died from swallowing too much of the cum but mostly from the realization. "HE DIDN'T CENSOR HECK!!!!!" kanade crawled on the floor, still drenched in the blood of her victims. "you know what, i'm not getting involved with this anymore." sora dragged yuri's dead body out of the macy's and went back home. hajime never got to have a threesome with nikkei and shinji because kanade killed them so he just went home too and jacked off to yuri hentai. hibiki was forever traumatized and kanade flinged herself into the sky never to be seen again. she wasn't in the fanfiction but iroha tripped on a rock and died so now i feel more confident about writing this.

the end. my girlfriend is going to kill me.

diseased twink chokes on cum and dies in the middle of macy'sWhere stories live. Discover now