Matt Webb -> Lily

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Okay Lils! Thanks for requesting another one lovely lady! You're awesome haha! Okay well, imma try and make this cute for you and Matty....uhhh let's hope it works out! Enjoy Lily! (Btw this is Cris writing lol)

~Cris :)


Lily's POV

It's my first day of high school and I'm so nervous. I don't know what to do yet. What clubs and teams to join. Who to talk to. Where to sit. It's all the unknown to me.

I finish my thoughts when I hear a text from my phone on the bed beside me. I look over and it's from my best friend, Cris. I open it and immediately start screaming in happiness.

Lily!! I'm so excited for today! Okay okay! Remember how I said you and me are the only two from our elementary school going to Magee? Okay I was wrong!! Josh and Matt are coming there too! Josh just texted me! ~Cris

Are you kidding me?! Matt and Josh are coming too?! I'm so excited! You know how much I like Matt!! What do I wear?! Help me!! ~Lily

I'll be there in ten! I'm getting dressed now! ~Cris

See you then! Thank you so much! I owe you Crissy! ~Lily

No problem! Bye! ~Cris

Cris and I finished the conversation and just as I finished taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I hear my mom letting Cris in the door and then I hear Cris's footsteps running upstairs to my room.

She knocked on the door. "Come on in Cris!" I shouted through my closed door. She opened the door and ran in to the room and plopped her stuff on the floor then ran to my closet and started rummaging through my things.

After a ton of negotiating and outfit designing together, we found something cute, yet comfy for me to wear to our first day of high school.

I wore blue jeans, a purple top, purple converse and my grey hoodie. My blonde hair is in a ponytail and I have on just mascara.

Cris is wearing a black AC/DC shirt, with black ripped jeans, red high top converse, and her leather jacket. Her dark brown hair is loose and she has black mascara and eyeliner on too.

(A/N can you tell I <Cris> love black?)

We both grab our school bags and and then head downstairs. I grab my lunch off the counter and we say goodbye to my mom and then start walking to school.

As we're walking, we hear someone call our names and so we turn around to find Matt and Josh there so we wait for them and then finish the walk.

Cris and I have every class together except for vocal music. I have it second semester with Matt and her and Josh have it now.

Cris and I go to home room, Italian, and sit in class for the eighty minutes. When that finishes, we meet up with Matt and Josh because we all have Geography next.

We all sit together in geo and then it's time for lunch. After lunch Cris and Josh have vocal music so they leave.

Matt and I have English so we go there. Our teacher is alright and lets us pick our own seats so Matt and I choose the back right corner.

We talk through most of the class because our teacher is pretty chill. "So Lils, what teams and clubs are you gonna join?" He asked me. "Hmm. I was thinking music council and maybe soccer. How about you?" I said.

"Okay, I swear I'm not copying you but I was literally gonna try out for soccer and join music council." He laughed.

We continued talking and then class is over and we go meet up with Cris and Josh for science. We have to partner up in science and this will probably be your partner for the semester.

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