Chapter one

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~Lola's POV~

I was alone in my room staring out my windom every 5 or so minutes, waiting for Alice to arrive.

You see we are in this band and tonight was our first ever gig so we had last minute practice.

Our band wasn't anything like you have ever seen or heard before we weren't just some pop band.

We kinda sound like a mix of Blood on the dance floor and Brokencyde.

Those were our two main influences when we started which was a couple years ago after covering Candyland by BOTDF.

Anyways tonight we were playing at a local bar with some other band but we weren't told who yet.

I looked out once more to see Alice finally walking up my drive way to the front door.

Running down the stars I greeted her in a excited but quiet voice she just looked at me for a second before laughing.

"Okay so are we just gonna stand here staring at eachother or are we gonna practic?" She asked in a childish tone.

Alice was the screamer and drummer while I sang and played guitar.

I know that we need more people but I like being a small band garage band and sometimes a big band isnt a good idead.

They tend to break up and fight but with us we didn't really take stuff seriously sure we write lyrics and sing.

We aren't really into like most of the bands you hear on the radio.

She now followed me upstairs getting ready for the Gig tonight she always loved practicing she said "It helps her concentrait."

"I got a new place to practice I actually got a studio!"  I said happier then usual she didn't seem to mind though.

"No way really that will help us out alot." She replied in a calm tone but I could sense that she was excited.

"Well lets go i already move everything into there so it will be easy."

"Are you sure about this I mean the old space was so big and I liked the roof." She said in a quiet tone.

I know she was disapointed the roof always made her feel free and open.

Im sure she will love the surprise though the Studio was huge.

"Close your eyes and I will bring you up." I said smiling at her while putting my hands over her eyes.

"This better not be stupid or a joke." Alice replied in a bitter sarcastic tone.

~Alice's POV~

We made it up the stairs on top of the roof where we used to perform.

I was kinda scared of what she had panned sometimes when she says something she means the opposite.

We walked as I tried to pry her hands off my eyes to see what she was trying to show me but she just wouldn't budge.

Why wouldn't she let me see I mean it's just where we have been performing.

After 10 minutes have passed we were finally there she removed her hands.

As I opened them I saw a bolack building in the corner of the roof.

She really did do it she built us a studio  I wish I knew why though she didn't have to.

The old place was fine but i guess as we are gettog discovered we did need a place that wasn't just a roof top.

Where even the slightest of noise would mess up everything you could literally hear everything from up there.

Lola then turned to me and as speechless as I was she still asked me.

"So what do you think this is what i've been working on for the pass months." She seemed a little scared of my response.

"Obviously I love it I just can't believe you spent all this time on it." I was so excited to have a proper place to practice in.

"Well what are we waiting for lets go start, the gig is in 3 hours and we don't even know what to wear." Alice said wanting to start.

We raced over to the studio Alice beating me likealways but sometimte sfor fun I let her win.

Picking up the drum sticks I walked over to what looked like brand new drums are started to practice While she sang.

The song we sang was kinda fast paced and had a lot of screaming verses.

I watched as Alice sang she wanted this to be perfect.

After the song was finished we took a break and went to go pick out clothes.

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