Ghost au part 1

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Welp, already have shitty solangelo oneshots why not have my other main otp in shitty one shots too? Sorry to anyone who reads this 🙃

I regret everything. Every god damn thing that led to me walking towards the door of the kogan's house.

The kogan's family died off 3 years ago, the last one to die being the teenage son Keith who got killed in a motorcycle incident years after his mother went missing and his dad died in a house fire trying to rescue a kid. It's like their whole family was cursed. No one knows how the rest of their family died or where they lived or even who they where, the only ones known where Keith, Krolia Keith's mother and Texas Keith's dad (may be wrong I looked it up an it said his name was unknown but I have seen other people use this name so fight me)

The only other person who was in close relations with the family is Shiro, who just so happens to be one of my friends. Shiro and his family took Keith in after his dad died and was a sort of brother type figure for Keith until he died. When Shiro heard about Keith's death he refused to leave his room for a week an a half and wouldn't eat for about that long as well, it really devastated him so you could tell how much he cared for the raven haired boy.

Back to now, I was playing truth or dare with shiro, pidge and hunk, 2 of our other friends, when pidge dared me to spend the night in the abandoned Kogan house. When she said the dare Shiro glared holes straight through her skull but surprisingly didn't say anything about it.

None of them let me back down so here I was hand on the doorknob to the front door of the 3 year abandoned house. For some reason no one has tried to sell or move into the house after the first year since it was abandoned, which was weird since trying to get housing in this town was so difficult, but hey who am I to judge.

I twisted the knob hoping that the door was locked so I could go back to them and say I couldn't get in but to my disappointment it opened easily. I sighed and pushed the door open slowly hearing it give a deep groan as the old wood and rusted hinges slowly moved open.

I took a step over the doorframe hearing the floorboard give a quick squeak of disapproval. I started walking further in, leaving the door open in case there was a murderer or something in here when suddenly the door slammed shut and a breeze went past me while I turned quickly to look at what had shut the door.

When I saw nothing that could have closed the door I gave a startled yelp and then heard a faint, breathy chuckle come from somewhere behind me. When I froze up I heard the chuckling stop and when I slowly turned around to see who was there all I saw was a flash of a read and white jacket disappearing up the top of the old staircase... but somehow whoever was there didn't make any noise while running to and up the stairs or while going down the old corridor or even a room until I heard a door closing somewhere above my head..

Against my better judgment, which was to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible, I started towards the rickety staircase, placing my hand gently on the railing and feeling it slightly wobble. Scared, I took my hand quickly off and decided to just stick close to the wall. I put my foot on the first stair hearing it groan and creak under my foot, further confusing me about how that person managed to get up these stairs so silently.

I quickly made my way up the old staircase listening to it cry under every step. When I finally reached the top I looked left and saw all of the doors open, all apart from the 3rd door on the left. Then I remembered how I heard a door close before making my way upstairs so I decided that whoever it was chuckling must have went into that room.

Slowly I shuffled down the hallway making sure to keep out of the way of rotting floorboards and eventually made it to the third door. When I opened the slightly rotted door I peeked inside and saw it used to be someone's bedroom. Black walls with a red wooden wardrobe and beside table with black and red bedsheets, all either moulding or rotting from being left here for so long with no care. I looked around and saw some picture frames on the bedside table and a few posters like KISS, Metallica and nirvana hanging on the far wall beside the wardrobe. On the wall opposite the door was a large window with a sitting ledge with a single pillow under it suggesting that whoever's room this was, they spent a lot of time next to that window.

As I looked closer at the pillow, however, I noticed it wasn't mouldy or even dusty like the rest of the room was, which meant someone was using it recently.

Feeling slightly terrified by that fact I turned to the bedside table and looked at the pictures, the glass over the frames dusted over so badly I couldn't see the photos. I took my sleeve down over my hand and rubbed at the first picture I picked up, after getting most of the dirt off I saw it was a picture of a little boy, grinning ear to ear with raven hair and grey eyes sparkling so brightly in the sun they looked almost purple. Beside the little boy was an older woman with long hair dip-dyed purple with a scar on each cheek. Beside he was a tall man with brown hair and a scar going through his left eyebrow. All of them grinning at the camera. All of them showing nothing but joy. I'm taking that this is Keith and his family... it's sad that such a happy family met such an awful ending..

I gently put the frame back down and picked up the next one, after cleaning it off I saw the boy again only this time as a teenager, standing proudly next to a red bike with shiro standing next to him grinning happily at the boy, Keith. He was so pretty... actually thinking back and looking at this picture I think I seen his bike out the front.. only with a smashed windscreen and scraps and gashes all along the body.. gods his crash must have been awful..

I gently set down that picture and picked up the last photo. This one was different.. it was of Keith giving Shiro a rust red kitten, the cat that Shiro still has till this day which he called Yurak. I asked him once why he called the kitten that and he simply replied that it was another name for someone very special to him, he said that the special person had given him the kitten the day before he died... so Keith could have been called Yurak too..

What I didn't get however, was how coincidental it was that the day right before he died he had given the only close person he had such a weird gift out of the blue. It was almost like he knew he was going to die and didn't want to leave Shiro by himself.. after all, in the week and a half that Shiro refused to leave his room only Yurak was allowed near him, almost as if it where Keith himself comforting Shiro.

As I was staring at the picture and thinking I heard a sniff from behind me and quickly whipped around, unaware that somebody was in the room with me.

When I turned the person froze in place, wide eyed and he looked terrified. But the most terrifying thing was that the boy was familiar. The boy was the same one from the picture in my hand. Keith.

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