Left out (Sincerely Three)

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~Evans pov~

It had been a month since I had moved in with Connor and Jared. I was taking classes at the nearby community college, Jared was going to a better school on the other side of town. And that leaves Connor, Connor had chosen not to go to college and instead found a job at Hot Topic. Which was perfect for him but since he had such bad people skills, they put him in the back, working inventory.

I knew I was the least favorite in our relationship. Whenever there was a movie night Connor and Jared were always entangled in each others limbs. I always found myself sitting off to the side, hugging Connors arm that I had to pry away from Jared.
I unlocked the door to our apartment, and quietly stepped inside, setting my backpack down in the hallway. I walked into the living room to see Connor and Jared kissing passionately.

"Hell yeah! 3-way cuddling!" Jared exclaimed when he noticed me, flopping down onto the couch and holding his arms out to his boyfriends. Connor smiled and quickly moved into Jared's arms.
"S-sorry guys I'm not feeling quite up t-to it right now." I sighed and turned around starting to walk away.
"Ev! Is everything okay? Have you been taking your meds?" Connor stood and walked over to me placing his hand on my shoulder.
"Umm... yeah I have. Can I talk to you?" I saw Jared stand up and start walking toward me. "Sorry Jare... but can I talk to Connor alone?" He nodded, confused but he sat back down on the couch pulling out his phone.

~Connors pov~

Evan led me into his bedroom, and I was amazed that his room was kept so neat. Evan had sat down on his bed and I noticed he was starting to cry. It stung seeing my boyfriend in pain. I didn't say a word as I sat down next to him, holding his hand and gently rubbing Evans back.

"Do -do you g-guys...do you guys really w-want me around?" Evan asked, and god, he sounded like an innocent puppy whose owner had just kicked him for no goddamn reason.

"Of course we do. Evan, we love you so much." I pecked his cheek and ruffled his hair.I groaned as my phone buzzed, it was Jared.

KinkyBoi: Is Evan Okay?? Is he having another panic attack??

-EmoBoi is now online-

EmoBoi: Yea, I think he'll be ok. He just felt a little left out, I think the worst of it has passed.

KinkyBoi: Make sure he knows I love him

EmoBoi: Will do

-TreeBoi is now online-

TreeBoi: You guys realize this is the groupchat, right?

EmoBoi: Great job, Jared.

EmoBoi: And Evan, this just proves how much we all care about you.

KinkyBoi: Crap, sorry Ev.

KinkyBoi: Is it ok if I come in your room?

TreeBoi: Yeah, sorry for not inviting you in earlier. That was such a mistake, I mean we're all in this together. I just figured it would've been easier to just talk to one person but that was such a hecking mistake oh my god im sorry. I'm sorry dude, the door is unlocked just come in- but only if you want to, im not forcing you to come into my room. Crap sorry... ill stop, sorry.

EmoBoi: You don't need to be sorry Evan, talking to both of us at once can be scary. There's no need to apologize.

TreeBoi: Sor- umm yeah, right.

-Jared's pov-

I stepped into Evans room and walked over to my adorable boyfriends. "Ev, is it ok if I touch you?" Evan nodded slightly in response and I wrapped my arms around him kissing the top of his head.

"I love you guys so much." Connor said, pulling us all into a giant group hug. Evan pressed a kiss into Connors temple, and I noticed his cheeks had turned pink.

"I love you too, ConCon." I messed with Connor's hair, smiling at my favorite two people in the world.

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