Striped Supreme

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It was the year 1872.  Money was very hard to get unless you were a savage, lit, le epic person. There was a boy so average he had to beg for money just to get it. One day a guy named 🅱️ornelious 🅱️anderbilt was like, "yo, I heard you poor boy. Take 2 🅱️illion money's and get off the street."
The boy was so happy that the first thing he did was spend it all on some "striped supreme" When he got home he told his mo- hahahahhahah, you didn't think he actually had a home did you? Well he did. So he went to his mom and said "LOOK WHAT I GOT!" His mom replied with, "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WERE YOU THINKING YOU DISGUSTING, GROSS, UGLY, CAPITALIST PIG."
"I don't know I was just excit-"
"WELL YOU BETTER HOPE THE POLICE COME AND TAKE ME BECAUSE UNTIL THEY DO YOU'RE TONIGHTS DINNER!" The mom grabbed a spiked belt and beat the boy in the striped supreme to death.

                                                                         The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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