Coppre 4

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"You have to understand how crazy that sounds, right?" Roman reminded Virgil. They were in the library working on a group assignment for History class. They had to choose three influential figures in the Revolutionary War and list off five facts about each that are not well-known. Virgil chose Robert Morris as the first person, as he had funded the war and financed weapons. He decided that one of the facts would be that several of his descendants ended up as financial advisors. Roman, obviously, did not believe him.

"Ro, I swear. Look up 'Scott Morris UBS manager' and tell me what you find." He reluctantly did so and found that two generations of the most recent three worked as financial advisors.

"Fine, you were right," Roman moped.

"Like usual, Romano," Virgil retorted. Roman let out a sarcastic laugh.

"I honestly don't know how I put up with you," Roman sighed dramatically as he lifted his hand to his forehead. Virgil laughed and continued his research without another glance at the exuberant boy across from him. Roman pouted both at being wrong and ignored. He moaned angrily as he leaned his body back, causing the chair to press into him uncomfortably. He stayed in that position for a few minutes, awaiting Virgil to acknowledge him. Once he did glance over slightly, Roman lifted his head in a smirk. Virgil rolled his eyes and chuckled before turning his focus back on the project. Roman's head fell back as he groaned quietly.

Patton watched silently from his seat next to Virgil's. He was amused by Roman's reactions to pretty much anything. The boy certainly was very entertaining, to say the least.

Pat leaned toward Virgil and whispered, "See if he wants to hang out this weekend. You aren't doing anything and you want a friend." Patton gestured at the still sulking boy. "There's a potential candidate right here." Virgil nodded and opened his mouth to speak before he was cut off.

"I just had the most excellent, superb, extraordinary idea!" Roman declared in a stage whisper as to not disturb the other students. "I have to go to my family's Sunday Brunch in a few weeks. I, being the only teenager in the family, am always bored. Would you be open to accompanying me on this venture?" Both Virgil and Patton were speechless. Could this kid read minds? Virge just nodded dumbly and watched as Roman's eyes lit up. "Sweet! I will need your phone number and your address so we can pick you up." Virgil's eyes widened.

"I, I can, I can, I can get a ride from m-my parents," he mumbled. Roman quickly shook his head.

"If I am forcing someone to join me to this bore-fest, I should at least drive them," he stated proudly before throwing his hands up in a royal pose. Virge laughed, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"Well, Princey, I guess you win," he asserted. He grabbed his phone from his bag and handed it to Roman, letting him do his thing. Roman gave the device back and began to pack up his work. Virgil did the same as Patton stared, still shocked that someone beat him at being kind. It took him a moment to regain his composure, but sure enough, Patton gave a small smile. Roman would definitely be a good friend for his little guy. Roman finished putting his stuff away and started to walk out of the library.

Before he even got ten feet, he turned around and mentioned, "Following brunch, we usually go to my grandparents. I hope you don't mind." With that, he exited the building.

The rest of the week flew by quickly with the two boys finishing their project and passing with flying colours. As the inevitable brunch drew nearer, Virgil found himself getting more and more anxious. It got to the point where Patton decided Virgil had to get an outsider's advice.

"I'm fine, Pat. You don't gotta drag me here," Virgil whined as his ghost companion brought him to poor, unsuspecting Logan's porch. At the sound of a forced ring of the doorbell, Logan emerged from his house looking as formal as ever.

"Ah, Virgil. What can I do for you?" Logan inquired with a slight tilt of his head. The teenager just stood silently, looking down at his shuffling feet. Patton rolled his eyes fondly at the boy and put a hand on Virge's back. There was a slight tug at his grasp, but before he could pull away, Virgil stepped forward.

"Patton wanted me to talk to you. He said you may be able to help me get my anxiety under control." Logan pinched the bridge of his nose and asked where his husband was standing. Looking in the direction of Virge's gaze, Logan narrowed his eyes.

"Patton, in what world do you think I could possibly help with anyone's emotions better than you?" Patton giggled at the widow's reaction and decided on walking over and hugging him. Logan's cheeks immediately flushed at the phantom contact, but he cleared his throat and ushered Virgil inside. "I will see what I can do." He ushered his young neighbour inside and closed his arched door.

The boys sat in the same spots as they had previously with the only difference being that Patton now sat between them. The kettle was boiling water for some coffee and hot cocoa for the two, respectively. Logan cracked his knuckles and took a deep breath. His gaze darkened, causing Virgil to become unnerved. Patton placed a hand on Virgil's knee and whispered to him.

"That's his serious face." Patton sighed dreamily, "I always loved seeing that face." The teen made a mental expression of disgust as he turned his attention back to Logan.

"I am going to need you to explain exactly what is going on in your head," the adult specified, "in order for me to assist you." Virgil recounted his conversation with Roman to him, with Logan nodding every so often. "I see. So are you more nervous about meeting his family or..." Logan drew out his sentence, using his hand to signal that Virgil should continue.

"I guess I'm mostly nervous that he is going to end up not liking me. But I could also be afraid that I am going to embarrass myself," Virgil muttered.

"You guess? Or do you know?" Logan questioned with a raised eyebrow. Virgil's face held a mirthless smile as he responded with a small "I know". Logan closed his eyes and responded, "I understand. Making new friends can be fairly difficult. I am sure Patton told you how we met?" Virgil nodded. "Then you know that I am not the most..." Logan paused as he searched for the correct word, waving his hand in the process, "...approachable character.

"I was continuously bothered with what Patton thought of me. But I realized something. Would you like to know what it is?" When he received another nod, Logan continued. "I learned that if Patton did not enjoy my company, he would have told me so." He shifted his gaze to the indent on his couch, signalling where Pat was sitting. "You may not know this, but Patton is extremely outspoken. If he doesn't approve of something, he will tell you, albeit very kindly." Virgil watched Patton's hand move to the nape of his neck in embarrassment. He thought about Roman. The kid did seem like he wouldn't invite someone he didn't fancy to a family brunch. Patton had also told Virgil that Logan was not one to lie to preserve one's feelings.

With some of his worries eased, Virgil visibly relaxed into the cushions behind him for the first time. Logan chuckled at seeing the boy make himself comfortable. Virgil decided to make pleasant conversation with the neighbour he has lived near for so long.

"Do you think you could tell me the story of you and Patton before I go? I've wanted to know for a while, and it feels right to have you both here." Patton scooched his body closer to Logan and pulled Virge with him.

"I'm sure Logi would love to tell you our story," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around Logan's waist. Logan's face coloured once more while Virgil laughed.

"He has attached himself to my torso, has he not?" Logan asked in a whisper. Virgil nodded his head once he had caught his breath. The adult let out a sigh. "I guess I have no choice. As you know, we met in college."

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