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-dream about having to go somewhere as part of a function/special occasion in a kind of business tower?

-i'm invited as a special guest

i do something in between, I can't remember what though

-i return back to the tower chronologically a few months later and i'm a special guest again because I work as a businesswoman or something (or analyst?)

-the manager of a popular restaurant on one of the floors tells me about how the restaurant, along with businesses on the other floors, were bought over by a company. I look around and see that business is flourishing for them. it's a weekday lunchtime, and all the tables are full and there's a lot of noise. the food smells good. and I see a lobster dish somewhere.

-i take the lift to the top floor and see this lucky draw box (gatcha?) thing that dumps out a random book for you if you put in $8. I have about 60 in my wallet so I decide to try. (wow rich!)

-this assassin-themed book comes out. it's part 2 of a series. so I decided to try again, and this time the first mortal instruments book comes out. in hardcover!!

-i'm not sure if I try for another one but then all of a sudden I see my classmates sitting at the side of the place.


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