The Character

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Name: Akira Kirisu

Age: 16

Height: 177 cm (5'8 ft)

Hair: Front half purple, back half sunset red

Eyes: Right Purple, Left Orange (heterochromia)

Hair style: short front, small braid in back.

Quirk: (Emotion Repulsion) Akira can push things away or glide on things using his repulsion with enough speed he can scale buildings. His emotions effect how strong the repulsion is or how much control he has over his strength.

Downside/ side-effect: His personality also fluctuates due to his body releasing more than normal amounts of neurotransmitter chemicals (chemicals your brain releases during certain situations/ emotions). It affects Akira's personality or habits, if he gets into a fight he becomes more battle oriented only focusing on the fight and not about other goals. Other changes can be seen when he becomes to aroused his personality will also become more flirtatious in order to attract the one who made him aroused even if he would normally not want to.

Backstory: As Akira was jogging up a hill with his friends when he was still 6. When him and his friends reached the top, they saw an old skateboard and they dared Akira to skate down the hill. After he begins going down the mountain his quirk finally manifests as his body releases more adrenaline than normal causing him to feel a rush he'd never experienced and stronger than someone would normally feel for the first time as well as his quirk causing his personality to change while this happens and he becomes more aware of the sensation as he speeds down the hill this causing him to become addicted to the feeling of his blood pumping and adrenaline rushing through his body (yes you became an adrenaline junky).

Personality: Kind, somewhat outgoing, very caring/ loving to those he calls friends or family, & flirty sometimes. Serious, & calm to strangers.

Likes: Food, games, music, sports, working out, parkour, his friends & family, cooking (and anything you the reader likes).

Dislikes: Perverts, bullies, being bored (and anything the reader dislikes).

Pet Cat: Pepsi

Looks: in the photo above

Quirk: (yes he has a quirk just go with it) (Stick) allows Pepsi to stick to anyone or thing cant be removed without harming Pepsi unless he deactivates it.

Background: Pepsi was found by Akira in a box in an alley and was rescued by him. Pepsi became very fond of Akira and will sometimes not let him leave without him even sometimes using his quirk to stay with Akira. His favorite spot to sit/ sleep is on Akira's head.

Likes: Akira, Fish, Akira's family, Being on Akira's head while he runs or just goes fast in general.

Dislikes: People who hurt Akira, Perverts (just accept it), Being alone

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