When They Were Young #oncnovella2019

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They made love until Mr. DeLuca Fell asleep, Lola got up and headed for the shower, she looked outside, the wind was blowing, leaves started to scatter throughout the courtyard, what a lovely photo it would make, Lola was a photographer, it was more of a hobby know, and Mr. Deluca a painter, but the events of their life changed when they were in college, Lola's mother was raped and her father was tied up and the three guys made him watch them take turns, Mr. Deluca was visiting her they were neighbors when they were younger , when they started high school, Lola knew they would end up getting married, she lost her virginity to Mr. Deluca, he was her first and she was afraid when it happens, her mom always told wait until you are married and he puts a ring on your finger, you will know he respects and loves you. But Lola couldn't wait, she secretly wanted to knows if DeLuca loved her, that's what she called him, she loved his last name and wanted it attached to hers, he was the boy she loved and no one else would ever take his place, they would spend all their time together, after the movies they went to his house and made love for the first time, It was not just kissing and his hand in her panties, they went all the way. Sex, it was awkward and only felt good after it was almost over, and it hurt when she saw blood Lola was afraid she decided to tell her mother what had happened. She thought back to when they were very young, he and Lola would play with each other, their parents were close they would share stories and spend time in Lola's backyard almost every day. Lola and Deluca spent so much time together, he also knew that when they got older he would ask her father if he could marry Lola and he would promise to take care of her for the rest of his life.

Mira was tired after the incident with the goat, she went to sleep with its blood still on her thigh.

Mira laid down on her bed she had fallen asleep, thinking about the goat, she was startled when her mom came in the room and asked her to come and eat dinner, Mira rolled over and looked at the painting on her wall, Mr. Deluca had painted it when she was born he "said, when he was telling her about the painting, Mira felt proud that her dad was so talented, the photos and painting on the wall were by her parents, for many years growing up as a little girl she thought this is what her parents did for a living, The painting was of a little girl playing in the yard with some animals and a house up on a hill, Mira liked the painting very much but for some reason she had started looking at pictures almost every day. Lola knocked on Mira's door, "hurry your dad is walking to the table, we must be sitting to start dinner, come now, we want to talk to you hurry! the spaghetti is getting cold, I made those special sausages you like in the sauce, come child, Mira jumped up and put her shoes on, she washed her hands in the kitchen sink, Well Mira thought, this will be more than punishment in my room, they want to talk, I know what they do for a living, but looking at her parents she could only think of her dad painter and her mom the photographer and how much they loved her, Lola went to the table, her dad took her and Lola by the hand and a "said prayers, her plate was already fixed, he looked at them both, please let's eat my beautiful ladies, eat... Mira picked up her fork and swirled the pasta with the delicate sauce on fork it was perfect she ate her first bite and, the taste was amazing it was her favorite, she ate m until she was full, she asked to be excused and her father  "said not yet, we need to know how much you know...I know only that you and mothers are painters and photographers and that is it, I also know that I will be going away to school and I know why but refuse to tell. Mr., Deluca looked at Mira and smiled,... good, and the cash, Mira? Mira "said" what cash? The cash for the painting you sold? Yes, Mira! Mr. Deluca pointed to a painting on the wall. Oh,  $20.00 dollars all five dollar bills, now! Father and mother, May I be excused? Both of her parents stood up with big grins on their faces and said", yes child, Mira! Mrs. DeLuca called out as she was about to turn and walk away from the table, do you have any questions...Hmmm!, Mira "asked just want to know if I can start school as soon as I turn sixteen, her father held his head down, Yes Mira, straight away..... Mira went to her room before she closed the door she remembered when her dad "said when anyone asks you questions back to back, what will you do? Her Parents use to say, "Mira answered, I will beat around the bush and if they continue, then I know they are interrogating me, and I must use physiological distractions to talk my way out of a situation. Mira walked away. Mira close her bedroom door she picked up her sketch book and the pencils her parents had bought her for her 11th birthday she started to sketch the painting her dad had did for her the only difference is that she added the goat from the night before, and drew picture of a child standing before the goat as it stood on its hind legs taller than the child, and painted a triangle on its head, when she was satisfied with the colors of lavender red blue and pink with green accents and shadows she put the painting on an easel to dry,, she heard her parents turn the television set on, she put her head out the door, and "said I am going back to bed and will not need a bedtime story, I wish to read for a while before bed, I am lucky no school for the rest of the summer I will put my homework report and letter on the table in the morning, and I wished to be excused from breakfast in the am, as I would like to just rest and reflect on my wants for summer vacation, her parents "said" sure Mira,, whatever you want, Mira's father leaned back on the couch his eyes closing, he yawned looked at his watch and pulled Lola close to him, Mira thought"  one day I will have a mate just like father, Mira closed the bedroom door, she eyed the painting against the painting done by her father, it was good , not as good as her fathers, but good, if she practiced everyday she could master her new love, Mira picked up the pamphlet she was given by her mother weeks ago, it was all about art, she decided she would like to attend art school over the summer, she wasn't use to being around other children, but looked out at the children playing, and said it time I spread my wings just a little, not much, she could smell the smoke coming from the yard, she saw the goat on a stick, being rotated around and around the fire below it, everyone looked happy, the grown up's and the families in the neighborhood area were all singing songs and dancing, Mira smiled at herself, and said the first was a goat and the nest...well she shall see, Mira, went to take a shower, went back to her room the neighbors from outside were sitting around the table eating, she eyed a boy eating a leg of the goat, his flaming red shirt caught her eye. This boy was what the elders called handsome he caught her eye and looked towards the window, what she saw in his eyes was a little disturbing, he held the goat leg up and motioned a nod of his head, his lips "said thank you even though she couldn't hear she read his lips, she smiled at him,, The goat! he knew! He knew! He must have seen her, he..... smiled, and held the leg... up again,,, the "smile on Mira's face turned to a puzzled look, she must find out who he is, Mira walked away from the window she pulled the covers over her head and tucked her body deep in the covers it was hours before she fell asleep. She woke up to a noise at her window, it was the sound of rocks being thrown at her window, she jumped up and looked around the room, it was pitch black in her room , Mira crawled out of bed and went to the window she peeked behind the curtain "I can't believe this, he must have seen me, she looked again to be sure, it was him the nerd from earlier pitching rocks at my window he threw another and it scared Mira, she pulled the curtain all the way back and opened the window, ...  he called.... hey you!  come outside "goat killer, come out and talk to me, and thank you, I have a gift for you goat killer, Mira said Shhhhhhhh!  idiot you will wake my parents, he threw another rock , and said come down goat killer, he put his hand up and she saw a pink box, come and get it goat killer,, Mira was getting angry, she asked him to wait, she put her jacket and shoes on and went to the yard, the kid handed her the small pink box, she looked at him, what's your name? My name is Mira jack ass, as she reached for the box in his hand, what's yours? Christoph! He answered, but call me Fritz..., everybody calls me Fritz, so how old are you Goat killer and how long have you lived in the neighborhood, "I see you peeking out the window all the time or watching us play, and I was curious to know you, but I must confess, you seem to be a bit uppity, Mira looked at him as she opened the pink box, her eyes were stuck on him, Mira stared him up and down, she fumbled with the box untying its green ribbon, he offered to help her again, she said no!, once she got the box open, she remove the soft tissue paper, inside was a gold chain, attached to the chain was one of the goats teeth coated in what looked like a pearl material, it was beautiful, she had a bright smile on her face, he called her a goat killer, this time she laughed, he moved closer to her ear. ok goat killer he said again I know you did a good deed, but the look on your face was of satisfaction in the kill, and you watched it take its last breath, I would say that you are in fact a person I would love to know better, He kept smiling and looking at her, he took the chain from her hands, and she asked him please put it on, may I he asked, Mira had to lift her hair, he noticed a ring on her forefinger of a heart, and "said if I had known you like hearts I would have made you one, my father is a jewelry maker, he works in the shop down the way, but we have a little spot in the garage where we can make things, he put the chain on her neck, she let her hair fall back down to her shoulders, Mira placed her fingers on the tooth it was smooth and shiny she rubbed it back and forth, Mira turned back around to face Christoph, He  learned closer to her , it looks nice on your neck, "she told him thank you, he asked if she could have company or if she could come outside tomorrow, she "said I don't have many friends, just ring the bell and ask for me, thank you Fritz, and have a good night , she turned around to take another look at him, when she asked him to put the chain on her neck, she smelled of cologne, when she started to walk away she could still smell him. She waved when she got to her door. Mira went back up to bed, she laid there for a minute, then went back to the window, he was standing there looking at her, Mira opened her window. and "yelled, hey! weirdo, goodnight! "  I would say you are the same, He turned to walk away, and she stood there until, she saw him walk in his house, her eyes followed his steps until he got to his room, she saw lights turn, and wondered how long he had watched her in her window and from the window. , as she walked away, and got back in bed, she tucked herself under the covers and grabbed the tooth around her neck. Mira would asleep knowing she would one day have a friend in this weirdo, and Mira went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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