grammar | the beginning

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I like to read and write (though, they aren't my favorite things to do).  However, I am also what one could call... a "grammar nazi."

Now, I don't really like that term.  Why?

Well, "nazi" is not a very nice word.  It is associated with the people that killed the Jews, and I hold absolutely nothing against the Jews.

I understand that people who correct other people's grammar can get quite irritating, but if it comes to writing, having correct grammar is very important; it can decide whether you are experienced or an amateur.

So, here I am to give help to those that want it!


► I am not a professor or teacher in English or anything like that.  I am just someone who is confident in their grammar skills and wants to help others with theirs.

► To prove why I am confident in my knowledge of grammar...

• I got a perfect score in the grammar section of the PSAT.  (This will be updated because I'm still a student so I still need to take more tests.)

• I have talked to many English teachers about grammar.

• English is my native language.

• I search up many grammar rules.

• I am a writer (I'm working on my stories), so I have to know grammar.

I know my reasons are very basic, so if anyone is a professor or teacher in English and you want to correct me, add to my rants, or just talk to me about some grammar stuff, you are welcome to because I want to learn more and I am open to new knowledge.  Also, I want to be accurate, not a bragger, so if I am wrong, please correct me.


If you want me to talk about something, you can totally ask to talk about it!  All you need to do is ask.  I will also discuss topics that I think people should know.

I hope this book helps you, so enjoy!

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