chapter 3

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I was in the locker room with Emma and the girls getting ready we all have the same uniform

it was time for game so i grabbed Emma and went to the field I then saw Adrien run up and hand me Alex and ran off we were cheering when the football player went out running they went in to starting places and were ready we were cheering it was ha...

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it was time for game so i grabbed Emma and went to the field I then saw Adrien run up and hand me Alex and ran off we were cheering when the football player went out running they went in to starting places and were ready we were cheering it was halfway through the game when Emma came up to me and sat down in front of me I pick her up she grabbed one of mine pom poms and started to play when then Adrien came up to me and pick up Alex

" how is the game so far," I asked

"good we are winning thank god Chole is not here huh," he said

"yes I am glad," I said

"so what are we going to tell the teachers," I asked

"I think my parents got that done now I have to go good luck" he said and I kissed him I put down Emma and Alex and put them in their car seats it was the final game and they needed one more point to wind the game with flying colors I saw Adrien was almost their he was going to make a touch down when he made it he got tackled to the ground we all scream that we got the last touch down I had sure that the couch was watching the twins when I ran to Adrien and hugged him

"nice job but I think you are going to be sore tomorrow at dance," I said and he nodded

"I know but we got it didn't we," he said and pick me up and threw me on his shoulder I scream I was scared the cameras went on to us


"kiss, kiss,  kiss" changed the grown I lean down and kiss him and the crew went wild I got down and we went back to our mansion when we got there we all fell asleep the next morning the alarms were going off the twins were crying I shot up and pushed Adrien off the bed "off"

"what was that for," he asked

"we need to get ready now," I said and put on my outfit well holding Emma

Adrien trough on his sweatpants and a tank top and jacket like he does all the time I got the twins bags and through one to Adrien and he grabbed Alex I got to the school and Adrien went his way I went to the class I was late I walk in to see the ...

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Adrien trough on his sweatpants and a tank top and jacket like he does all the time I got the twins bags and through one to Adrien and he grabbed Alex I got to the school and Adrien went his way I went to the class I was late I walk in to see the teacher

"Marinette its good to see you to finally come to class," she said

"sorry miss I had to get her ready," I said and she nodded

"ew Maritrash has a kid who did you sleep with," she asked

"Oh look at that," said her minion said not Sabrina but a different girl we then heard a shriek that went through the halls

"what was that" asked Alya

"I don't now girls please stay here," said the teacher

"LILA DONT DO THAT" I head Adrien yell

"oh no," I said handing Emma to the teacher

"can you had her now," I said and she nodded and I walk out with her to Adrien class I saw Adrien holding a crying Alex he looked scared I walk in

"LILA fuck off you scared him," I said and took Alex

"But Adrien was going to be mine," she said

"no I am not I am with my girl," he said I was quiting down Alex when Lila looked mad the teacher looked at her

"Lila you don't yell at Adrien when he has a baby in the room that is bad you should know better you had a kid too but you gave him up," Lila's dad said from the doorway


"daddy why are you here" she asked "we are moving to Italy with Chole and her family" he said and I smile "what but I have to stay here" she said "no you will be a dancer and be in my school your stuff is in the truck and we are leaving here now Chole lets go" he said and they left i jump up and cheered and so did the trest of my class "Adrien get Emma please"  she said and I was holding Emma in tell she fell asleep I handed her to Mari and she held a sleeping Alex and now an Emma she was siting on the floor in the class I walk over to my teacher "can Marinette stay here for the class the twins are asleep and I dont think she wants to get up again" I said and he nodded "and what about tomorrow" he asked "well I will be with her in the other class" I said and he nodded the class went out to do  practice after that I walk to Mari to see her sleeping with the twins I walk over to Nino "can yoy take the twins to the car?" i asked and he nodded I put them in the car seat and pick up Mari I walk to the car and drove home when I got there I had Anne get the twins and put them in they bed well I got Mari I wrapped my hands aroun dher waist

last week of having the twins


I woke up to someone calling me I got the phone "hello" I asked "Mari its Emily I know it early but I at you front door and the parents of Emma and Alex are here to pick them up" she said "okay i will be down" I said Adrien was already up because Alex was crying "Adrien,, they mom and dad are here get their bags and let go downstairs" I said it was sad to do this but we were not there to keep I walk down and open the door they came in "here they are"I said and handed them to her and Adrien handed Alex to him "thank you for watching them for us" she said and left

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