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"What are you doing? Drive normally for once!" My sister, Lily, asked as I drove through the lonely dark night.

"I'm trying to b-but I can't even see." I groaned in response as I rolled my eyes. She couldn't drive yet, she wouldn't understand. The darkness of the night limited my vision. I heard the pitter-patter of the cold rain pelting my station wagon. I could hear the sharp movements of pages turning making me realize that my sister was reading a book. I drove on, humming a tune that I heard on the radio a couple of days before.

Suddenly the car felt harder to control. The slippery road caused by the rain made me tighten my grip on the wheel. I jerked the wheel to the right, which made the car swerve violently in that direction. My shock let me forget the situation I was in.

The car didn't stop moving and my sister didn't stop screaming. Everything happened in slow motion: the car, my sister, my movements, everything. Suddenly, I was brought back into reality. The car was heading toward a railing on the opposite side on the road. I put my hands back to use other than to lay limply on the wheel. I tried to direct the car the other way, but--BOOM!--we crashed. My practically heart exploded, was heaving in and out huge gulps or air, and had a few glass shards lay on me. I bent my head down to check if I had any serious injuries but, alas, I had none. Sure, I had some scratches but that really didn't matter to me at the moment.

I knew that I was was safe at least. But how about my sister? 

I unlocked and opened my door pushed myself out of my seat. I struggled, seeing the case I was in right now. As I a tried to get out, I felt a sharp, cold, claw-like thing scrape against my leg and something moist run down from the new injury. I gasped in pain, clenching my teeth, but the injury did not feign me much. I had to find Lily.

I fell onto the hard, wet and cold ground resting there for a few seconds.  I rolled onto my back and pushed myself up. I grunted and began walking to the other side of the car. The rain fell into my eyes, my face, my hair. I pushed my wet hair away from my face and put that bunch behind my ear.

As I approached the other side of the car, I opened the door. She wasn't there. I checked the passenger seat. She wasn't there. How about the trunk. Nada. Zilch. Not there.

A tear rolled down my eye. "Where could she be,"  I thought.

"I'm cold, Liv."

I let out a scared squeak and turned around to see Lily standing behind me, soaking wet. A red cut ran down the left side of her cheek. Oh no. 

"Are you okay? C'mon let's go." I responded, pulling her into a hug. Don't worry. 

She nodded and stood by me heading the direction away from the car. We needed shelter. All we saw was road. Until I spotted a forest. Nope, going around it.

Little did I know that behind that small row of trees, was civilization. A way to escape where I was heading.

Lily finally spoke up from the first time since we left the car. "I'm tiiiireddd."

"I know," I croaked back.


My sister sneezed.


Ten minutes later, I entered an isolated place. No roads, a couple of trees, and little hope. This is all my fault, isn't it? I gave up. No I couldn't. I had to be strong. Just keep on moving on. 

The harsh wind blew up against me, the cold piercing rain hitting daggers into my soul.

"Heelpp." I croaked out to no one in particular. This time I tried again, yelling, usibg the mostenergy I could gather. My arms wrapped around my sister, trying to protect her from the deadly weather. I heard footsteps despite the wind howling in my ears. I knew I heard footsteps squishing against the muddy ground I was standing on.

"W-who's there?" I asked, scared out of my mind.

"I heard you crying for help. Are you okay?"

I opened up my eyes to see a man standing in front of me.

"Whaaat?" I groaned, staining to hear his hushed voice. My sister groaned in response to his question.

He was still talking . All I heard was, "You...stay...place...sleep."

I groaned. Was he telling me to stay here on the cold wet ground and sleep?

Uh uh. Ain't nobody got the time for that.

Its was so cold. I was wearing a crop top with leggings, and my sister was wearing only a v-necked mini dress  which, I know, we REALLY regret wearing. Especially my sister whose legs, chest, and arms were exposed to the freezing rain. My body can absolutely not stand these conditions,  my crocs didn't benefit me at all, and neither did my sister's stilletos. So I did all my body could stand to do. I fainted.


"H-Huh?" I whispered. My eyes opened and my face scrunched up in confusion. Am I at home?

I sat up, crossed my legs, and rubbed the back of my neck. My neck and back ached. I needed water. I really needed to use the bathroom. My throat was dry and--wait? Where am I?

I was resting on a small pile of blankets and a hard pillow. W-what? Last night's events, out of nowhere, hit me like a wrecking ball.

All I remember was the storm. I was driving around around with my sister and--MY SISTER! Where was she?

While rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I jumped up and looked around frantically, desperate to find her. I was in a small space, about 2 by 3 meters big.

The room was all gray. The walls, the floor--even the blanket and pillow! I saw a door and ran up to it. I twisted the doorknob, trying to get out. I kicked the door. It was locked. "Let me out!" I screamed. I huffed, folding my arms and sat in a corner. The guy who I saw last night. Who was he? Where did he go? Did he leave me? What am I doing here? A tear trickled out of my eye and cascaded down my pale cheeks.

My breath hitched, remembering that I really needed to use the toilet. I clutched my private area and tried to think about anything but water. Water that I needed. I could just use the corner, no one would really find out. Unless they have security cameras. Ah, fuck it. 

I trudged to another corner, not wanting to use the corner that I woke up from and sat next to it. I made sure there where no spiders there. Good, there weren't any. 

I moved into a squatting position and positioned my hands at my waist, ready to pull down the waistband. I--

"Hello there."

The door opened, revealing someone who I didn't expect to see.

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